清水 哲夫 シミズ テツオ しみず てつお
博士(工学) 東京工業大学
久保田祐輝,大平悠季,清水哲夫:注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推計,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.64, No.1, pp.189-199, 2023.
Vu, A., T., Nguyen, V. T., Shimizu, T. and Nguyen, N., A. : Public transport service quality: Policy prioritization strategy in the importance-performance analysis and the three-factor theory frameworks, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 166, pp. 118-134, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.10.006
Tiku, O. and Shimizu, T.: Tourism-led economic contribution, interregional repercussion effects, and intersectoral propagation activities in Tokyo Metropolitan, Journal of Economic Structures, Vol.11, 18, 2022., https://doi.org/10.1186/s40008-022-00278-4
Nurzafirah, D. and Shimizu. T.: Effective Resources to Mobilize Women Entrepreneurship: A Success Case Study of Family Tourism Businesses in Tioman Island, Malaysia, Sustainability, Vol.14, No.15, 9133, 2022., https://doi.org/10.3390/su1415913
Wu, L. and Shimizu, T.: Analysis of the impact of non-compulsory measures on human mobility in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic, Cities, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.10375
Tiku, O. , Shimizu, T. and Hartono, D.: Tourism’s income distribution in West Papua Province, Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Vol.3, No.1, 2022., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annale.2022.100038
Nguyen, V. T., Shimizu, T., Kurihara, T. and Choi, S. : Accommodation statistics: the current issues and an innovation, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.25, No.11, pp.1731-1727, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.197895
Pham, H. D., Shimizu, T. and Nguyen, T. V.: A Literature Review on Interactions Between Stakeholders Though Accessibility Indicators Under Mobility as a Service Context, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13177-021-00257-2
Wu, L. and Shimizu, T.: Analyzing dynamic change of tourism destination image under the occurrence of a natural disaster: evidence from Japan, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.23, No.16, pp.2042-2058, 2020.
九鬼令和,清水哲夫:訪日外国人旅行者(中国,韓国,台湾)の延べ宿泊者数に対する影響要因についての研究,観光研究,Vol.30, No.2, pp.5-13, 2019.
Khanal, B. P. and Shimizu, T.: Factor Affecting the Development of Health Tourism in Nepal: Regarding the Views of Health Tourists, Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality, Vol.7, Issue 3, pp. 1-6, 2018.
Watthanaboon, T. and Shimizu, T.: The Dimension Of Risk Perception In The Context Of Political Crises, Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, Vol.2, No.1, pp.57-65, 2018.
Marpaung, N. and Shimizu, T.: Road-Development Strategies to Support Self-Drive Tourism (SDT) in Bali Based on SWOT Analysis, Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, Vol.2, No.1, pp.23-33, 2018.
平田徳恵,清水哲夫,川原晋,岡村祐:地域創生事業立案のための自治体職員を対象とする研修プログラムの実践と評価〜地域創生スクールの二年間の取り組み,都市計画論文集,Vol.53, No.3, pp.474-481, 2018.
清水哲夫,竹本佳文,川原晋:観光地駐車場における時間短縮,事前予約制および付帯サービスの価値推計〜高尾山地区における観光地マネジメント構想実現のための駐車場マネジメントシステムの導入を目指して,都市計画論文集,Vol.53, No.3, pp.1335-1340, 2018.
Choi, S., Kurihara, T. and Shimizu, T.: Progress and challenge in tourism statistics utilization in Japan: Regional tourism organizations and data management level, 2018 TTRA Proceedings, 2018.
Nguyen, V. T. and Shimizu, T.: Input-Output Table for Transportation and Tourism Analysis: Construction and Applications, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.12, pp.2117-2132, 2018.
Ghani, N. A. and Shimizu, T.: Model Development of Pedestrian Satisfaction Index for Street Evaluation by Traffic and Non-Traffic Functions in Tourism Area, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.12, pp.1038-1057, 2018.
Nguyen, V. T. and Shimizu, T.: The effect of transportation on tourism production ? Literature review on application of the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 25, pp.3096-3115, 2017.
清水哲夫,川原晋,片桐由希子:観光地における事前予約制駐車場利用に対する料金支払意思額の特性分析〜高尾山地区における観光地マネジメント構想をサポートする駐車場マネジメントシステムの実現に向けて,都市計画論文集,Vol.52, No.3, pp.782-787, 2017.
Safizahanin, M., and Shimizu, T.: An Analysis of Service Needs for Self-drive Tourist: Proposing for Better Policies for Malaysia's Road Network, Sociotechnica, Vol. 13, pp. 13-21, 2016.
Ghani, A. N., Shimizu,T. and Safizahanin, M.: Assessment of Pedestrian Facilities in Malacca World Heritage Site, Malaysia using P-Index Method, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 11, pp.1535-1554, 2015.
片桐由希子,清水哲夫,河東宗平:東京都区部における訪日外国人旅行客の観光行動と広域避難場所の対応に関する一考察,社会技術研究論文集,Vol.12, pp.61-70, 2015.
清水哲夫:東京都市圏の交通計画-その過去・現在・近未来-,地学雑誌,Vol.123, No.4, pp.542-555, 2014.
Shimizu, T. and In, S.: An analysis of CO2 emission in tourism industries of multi-country region using I-O table -A case in Japan and Korea ?Selected Proceedings at the 13th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, 2014.
Shimizu, T., Yamaguchi, T., Ai, H., Kawase, J. and Katagiri, Y.: Travel path and transport mode identification method using “less-frequently-detected” position data, Earth and Environmental Science, Vol.18, 012058, 2014.
Shimizu, T. Okano, Y. Kurata, Y. and Naoi, T.: An Analysis of Effects of Boredom on Revisit Intention ? A Case in Japanese Popular Tourism Destinations, 2013 TTRA Proceedings, 2013.
清水哲夫:イタリアの交通インフラ整備・管理の計画と制度,観光科学研究,Vol.5, pp.45-57, 2012.
Phan, T. V. Tuan and Shimizu, T. : The changes of group behavior in mixed traffic flow, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 9, pp.1588-1600, 2011.
Vu, A. T. and Shimizu, T. : An analysis of the interactions between vehicle groups at intersections under mixed traffic flow conditions, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, pp.1971-1989, 2010.
清水哲夫:地域連携効果を考慮した訪日外国人宿泊数予測モデルの構築,第一回観光統計を活用した実証分析に関する論文(観光庁長官賞受賞論文), 2010.
清水哲夫,花谷仁志,宇田川東,添田俊雄:グリーンツーリズム施設への案内体系が抱える問題の抽出と改善方策の提案,第7回ITSシンポジウム2008 Peer-Review Proceedings,pp.37-42, 2008.
清水哲夫,安藤拓也:ドライビングシミュレータを用いた合流部走行支援情報システムの効果分析,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol.23, No. 4, pp.833-840, 2006.
村山顕人,川口高志,清水哲夫:大規模工業・港湾地区の再生に向けた空間計画の枠組みに関する考察-イギリス・ロンドンおよびオランダ・ロッテルダムの事例分析から-,都市計画論文集,Vol.41, No.3, pp.719-725, 2006.
Vu, A. T. and Shimizu, T. : Modeling of Household Motorcycle Ownership Behavior in Hanoi City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp.1751-1765, 2005.
清水哲夫,屋井鉄雄,三室徹:AHSへの対応行動を考慮した都市高速道路合流部の運用評価分析システムの開発とその適用,土木学会論文集,No. 758, pp.11-21, 2004.
Shimizu, T., Morichi, S., Hasegawa, T. and Suga, Y. : A Fundamental Study on the Promotion of In-bound Tourism in Rural Area of Japan, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 1663-1674, 2003.
Shimizu, T., Morichi, S. and Fukuhara, D. : A Study on the Effect of Safety Program on Accident Reduction, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp.2581-2591, 2003.
清水哲夫,飯島雄一,屋井鉄雄:高速道路合流部における走行支援情報提供に関する一考察,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol. 19, No.4, pp.839-846, 2002.
屋井鉄雄,清水哲夫,坂井康一,小林亜紀子:非IIA型選択モデルの選択肢集合とパラメータ特性,土木学会論文集,No. 702, pp. 3-13, 2002.
よくわかる観光学3:文化ツーリズム学(分担),12. 交通計画学から考える文化ツーリズム,pp.135-148,,朝倉書店,2016.
久保田祐輝,大平悠季,清水哲夫:注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推計,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.64, No.1, pp.189-199, 2023.
Vu, A., T., Nguyen, V. T., Shimizu, T. and Nguyen, N., A. : Public transport service quality: Policy prioritization strategy in the importance-performance analysis and the three-factor theory frameworks, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 166, pp. 118-134, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.10.006
Tiku, O. and Shimizu, T.: Tourism-led economic contribution, interregional repercussion effects, and intersectoral propagation activities in Tokyo Metropolitan, Journal of Economic Structures, Vol.11, 18, 2022., https://doi.org/10.1186/s40008-022-00278-4
Nurzafirah, D. and Shimizu. T.: Effective Resources to Mobilize Women Entrepreneurship: A Success Case Study of Family Tourism Businesses in Tioman Island, Malaysia, Sustainability, Vol.14, No.15, 9133, 2022., https://doi.org/10.3390/su1415913
Wu, L. and Shimizu, T.: Analysis of the impact of non-compulsory measures on human mobility in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic, Cities, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.10375
Tiku, O. , Shimizu, T. and Hartono, D.: Tourism’s income distribution in West Papua Province, Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Vol.3, No.1, 2022., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annale.2022.100038
Nguyen, V. T., Shimizu, T., Kurihara, T. and Choi, S. : Accommodation statistics: the current issues and an innovation, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.25, No.11, pp.1731-1727, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.197895
Pham, H. D., Shimizu, T. and Nguyen, T. V.: A Literature Review on Interactions Between Stakeholders Though Accessibility Indicators Under Mobility as a Service Context, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13177-021-00257-2
Wu, L. and Shimizu, T.: Analyzing dynamic change of tourism destination image under the occurrence of a natural disaster: evidence from Japan, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.23, No.16, pp.2042-2058, 2020.
九鬼令和,清水哲夫:訪日外国人旅行者(中国,韓国,台湾)の延べ宿泊者数に対する影響要因についての研究,観光研究,Vol.30, No.2, pp.5-13, 2019.
Khanal, B. P. and Shimizu, T.: Factor Affecting the Development of Health Tourism in Nepal: Regarding the Views of Health Tourists, Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality, Vol.7, Issue 3, pp. 1-6, 2018.
Watthanaboon, T. and Shimizu, T.: The Dimension Of Risk Perception In The Context Of Political Crises, Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, Vol.2, No.1, pp.57-65, 2018.
Marpaung, N. and Shimizu, T.: Road-Development Strategies to Support Self-Drive Tourism (SDT) in Bali Based on SWOT Analysis, Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, Vol.2, No.1, pp.23-33, 2018.
平田徳恵,清水哲夫,川原晋,岡村祐:地域創生事業立案のための自治体職員を対象とする研修プログラムの実践と評価〜地域創生スクールの二年間の取り組み,都市計画論文集,Vol.53, No.3, pp.474-481, 2018.
清水哲夫,竹本佳文,川原晋:観光地駐車場における時間短縮,事前予約制および付帯サービスの価値推計〜高尾山地区における観光地マネジメント構想実現のための駐車場マネジメントシステムの導入を目指して,都市計画論文集,Vol.53, No.3, pp.1335-1340, 2018.
Choi, S., Kurihara, T. and Shimizu, T.: Progress and challenge in tourism statistics utilization in Japan: Regional tourism organizations and data management level, 2018 TTRA Proceedings, 2018.
Nguyen, V. T. and Shimizu, T.: Input-Output Table for Transportation and Tourism Analysis: Construction and Applications, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.12, pp.2117-2132, 2018.
Ghani, N. A. and Shimizu, T.: Model Development of Pedestrian Satisfaction Index for Street Evaluation by Traffic and Non-Traffic Functions in Tourism Area, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.12, pp.1038-1057, 2018.
Nguyen, V. T. and Shimizu, T.: The effect of transportation on tourism production ? Literature review on application of the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 25, pp.3096-3115, 2017.
清水哲夫,川原晋,片桐由希子:観光地における事前予約制駐車場利用に対する料金支払意思額の特性分析〜高尾山地区における観光地マネジメント構想をサポートする駐車場マネジメントシステムの実現に向けて,都市計画論文集,Vol.52, No.3, pp.782-787, 2017.
Safizahanin, M., and Shimizu, T.: An Analysis of Service Needs for Self-drive Tourist: Proposing for Better Policies for Malaysia's Road Network, Sociotechnica, Vol. 13, pp. 13-21, 2016.
Ghani, A. N., Shimizu,T. and Safizahanin, M.: Assessment of Pedestrian Facilities in Malacca World Heritage Site, Malaysia using P-Index Method, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 11, pp.1535-1554, 2015.
片桐由希子,清水哲夫,河東宗平:東京都区部における訪日外国人旅行客の観光行動と広域避難場所の対応に関する一考察,社会技術研究論文集,Vol.12, pp.61-70, 2015.
清水哲夫:東京都市圏の交通計画-その過去・現在・近未来-,地学雑誌,Vol.123, No.4, pp.542-555, 2014.
Shimizu, T. and In, S.: An analysis of CO2 emission in tourism industries of multi-country region using I-O table -A case in Japan and Korea ?Selected Proceedings at the 13th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, 2014.
Shimizu, T., Yamaguchi, T., Ai, H., Kawase, J. and Katagiri, Y.: Travel path and transport mode identification method using “less-frequently-detected” position data, Earth and Environmental Science, Vol.18, 012058, 2014.
Shimizu, T. Okano, Y. Kurata, Y. and Naoi, T.: An Analysis of Effects of Boredom on Revisit Intention ? A Case in Japanese Popular Tourism Destinations, 2013 TTRA Proceedings, 2013.
清水哲夫:イタリアの交通インフラ整備・管理の計画と制度,観光科学研究,Vol.5, pp.45-57, 2012.
Phan, T. V. Tuan and Shimizu, T. : The changes of group behavior in mixed traffic flow, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 9, pp.1588-1600, 2011.
Vu, A. T. and Shimizu, T. : An analysis of the interactions between vehicle groups at intersections under mixed traffic flow conditions, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, pp.1971-1989, 2010.
清水哲夫:地域連携効果を考慮した訪日外国人宿泊数予測モデルの構築,第一回観光統計を活用した実証分析に関する論文(観光庁長官賞受賞論文), 2010.
清水哲夫,花谷仁志,宇田川東,添田俊雄:グリーンツーリズム施設への案内体系が抱える問題の抽出と改善方策の提案,第7回ITSシンポジウム2008 Peer-Review Proceedings,pp.37-42, 2008.
清水哲夫,安藤拓也:ドライビングシミュレータを用いた合流部走行支援情報システムの効果分析,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol.23, No. 4, pp.833-840, 2006.
村山顕人,川口高志,清水哲夫:大規模工業・港湾地区の再生に向けた空間計画の枠組みに関する考察-イギリス・ロンドンおよびオランダ・ロッテルダムの事例分析から-,都市計画論文集,Vol.41, No.3, pp.719-725, 2006.
Vu, A. T. and Shimizu, T. : Modeling of Household Motorcycle Ownership Behavior in Hanoi City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp.1751-1765, 2005.
清水哲夫,屋井鉄雄,三室徹:AHSへの対応行動を考慮した都市高速道路合流部の運用評価分析システムの開発とその適用,土木学会論文集,No. 758, pp.11-21, 2004.
Shimizu, T., Morichi, S., Hasegawa, T. and Suga, Y. : A Fundamental Study on the Promotion of In-bound Tourism in Rural Area of Japan, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 1663-1674, 2003.
Shimizu, T., Morichi, S. and Fukuhara, D. : A Study on the Effect of Safety Program on Accident Reduction, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp.2581-2591, 2003.
清水哲夫,飯島雄一,屋井鉄雄:高速道路合流部における走行支援情報提供に関する一考察,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol. 19, No.4, pp.839-846, 2002.
屋井鉄雄,清水哲夫,坂井康一,小林亜紀子:非IIA型選択モデルの選択肢集合とパラメータ特性,土木学会論文集,No. 702, pp. 3-13, 2002.
よくわかる観光学3:文化ツーリズム学(分担),12. 交通計画学から考える文化ツーリズム,pp.135-148,,朝倉書店,2016.
「注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推定」(一財)情報処理学会モバイルコンピューティングと新社会システム研究会第99回研究会優秀論文,2021.
「注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推定」(一財)情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル/JIP特選論文,2023.
「注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推定」(一財)情報処理学会モバイルコンピューティングと新社会システム研究会第99回研究会優秀論文,2021.
「注意機構を用いたGraph Convolutional Networksによる短期的将来滞在人口数推定」(一財)情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル/JIP特選論文,2023.
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