
渡邉 賢 ワタナベ マサル わたなべ まさる



東京都立大学健康福祉学部 作業療法学科
人間健康科学研究科 フロンティアヘルスサイエンス学域


東京慈恵会医科大学卒業  博士(医学)










1) 原著論文
(1) 自著論文
1. Watanabe M. Effects of 2,3-butanedione monoxime on smooth-muscle contraction of guinea-pig portal vein. Pflugers Arch 1993; 425: 462?468.

2. Watanabe M, Takemori S, Yagi N. X-ray diffraction study on mammalian visceral smooth muscles in resting and activated states. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 1993; 14: 469-475.

3. Watanabe M, Nakano M. Force-inhibiting effect of okadaic acid on skinned rat uterus permeabilized with α-toxin. Pflugers Arch 1995; 430: 754-756.

4. Watanabe M, Nakano M. Effect of okadaic acid on electromechanical coupling is realized via phosphoprotein phosphatase. Neurochemia 1996; 13: 292-296.

5. Watanabe M, Konishi M. Intracellular calibration of the fluorescent Mg indicator furaptra in rat ventricular myocytes. Pflugers Archiv 2001; 442: 35-42.

6. Watanabe M, Takano-Ohmuro H. Extensive skinning of cell membrane diminihses the force-inhibiting effect of okadaic acid on smooth muscles of guinea pig hepatic portal vein. Jpn J Physiol 2002; 52: 141-147.

7. Watanabe M, Yoshino Y, Morimoto S. Troponin I inhibitory peptide suppresses the force generation in smooth muscle by directly interfering with cross-bridge formation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003; 307: 236-240.

8. Watanabe M, Konishi M, Ohkido I, Matsufuji S. Enhanced sodium-dependent extrusion of magnesium in mutant cells established from a mouse renal tubular (MCT) cell line. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2005; 89: F742-F748.

9. Watanabe M, Yumoto M, Tanaka H, Wang HH, Katayama T, Yoshiyama S, Black J, Thatcher SE, Kohama K. Blebbistatin, a myosin II inhibitor, suppresses contraction and disrupts contractile filaments organization of skinned taenia cecum from guinea pig Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2010; 298:1118-1126.

(2) 共著論文
10. Yagi N, Takemori N, Watanabe M. Horiuti K, Amemiya Y. Effects of 2,3-butanedione monoxime on contraction of frog skeletal muscles: an X-ray diffraction study. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 1992; 13: 153-160.

11. Natori R, Watanabe M. Change in stiffness of skinned muscle fibres observed during slow and rapid contractions. Jikeikai Med J 1993; 40: 1-20.

12. Yagi N, Takemori S, Watanabe M. An X-ray diffraction study of frog skeletal muscle during shortening near the maximum velocity. J Mol Biol 1993; 231: 668-677.

13. Konishi M. Watanabe M. Molecular size-dependent leakage of intracellular molecules from frog skeletal muscle fibers permeabilized with -escin. Pflugers Arch 1995; 429: 598-600.

14. Konishi M, Watanabe M. Resting cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in frog skeletal muscle measured with fura-2 conjugated to high molecular weight dextran. J Gen Physiol 1995; 106: 1123-1150.

15. Nakano M, Watanabe M, Ohura K, Ochiai K, Maruyama M. GTPγS-induced contraction in Stapylococcus Aureus α-toxin-treated uterine smooth muscle from pregnant rats. Jikeikai Medical Journal 1996; 43: 161-169.

16. Konishi M, Watanabe M. Steady state relation between cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration and force in intact frog skeletal muscle fibers. J Gen Phyisol 1998; 111: 509-519.

17. Nakano M, Takemori S, Watanabe M, Yagi, N. Assessment of physiological conditions of smooth muscle specimens from rat uteri. Jikeikai Medical J 1999; 46: 217-226.

18. Tashiro M, Tuerxun F, Miyazaki T, Watanabe M, Konishi M. Effects of membrane potential on Na+-dependent Mg2+ extrusion from rat ventricular myocytes. Jpn J Physiol 2002; 52: 541-551.

19. Sakurai W, Watanabe M, Yamashina A, Konishi M. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on contraction of skinned aorta from guinea pigs. Jpn J Physiol 2003; 53: 471-474.

20. Musha S, Watanabe M, Ishida Y, Kato S, Konishi M, Tomoda A. A phenoxazine compound, 2-amino-4,4α-dihydro-4α-7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine-3-one reverses the phenylephrine or high-K+ induced contraction of smooth muscles in rat aorta and guinea pig tenia cecum. Biol Pharmac Bull 28; 2005: 1521-1523.

21. Yoshino Y, Sakurai W, Morimoto S, Watanabe M. Synthetic peptides of actin-tropomyosin binding region of troponin I and heat shock protein 20 modulate the relaxation process of skinned preparations of taenia caeci from guinea pig. Jpn J Physiol 2005; 55: 373-378.

22. Tashiro M, Tursun P, Miyazaki T, Watanabe M, Konishi M. Effects of intracellular and extracellular concentrations of Ca2+, K+ and Cl- on the Na+-dependent Mg2+ efflux in rat ventricular myocytes. Biophys J 2006; 91: 244-254.

23. Musha S, Watanabe M, Tomoda A, Konishi M. Mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of a phenoxazine compounds, 2-amino-4,4α-dihydro-4α-7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine-3-one, on the contraction of the smooth muscle of the guinea pig taenia cecum. J Smooth Muscle Res 2007; 43: 15-24.

24. Hashimoto R, Yumoto M, Watanabe M, Konishi M, Haraoka J, Miki T. Differential effects of an expected actin-tropomyosin binding region of heat shock protein 20 on the relaxation in skinned carotid artery and taenia cecum from guinea pig. J Smooth Musc Res 2009; 45: 55-62.

25. Liou YM, Watanabe M, Yumoto M, Ishiwata S. Regulatory mechanism of smooth muscle contraction studied with gelsolin-treated strips of Taenia Caeci in Guinea Pig. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2009; 296: 1024-1033.

26. Katayama T, Watanabe M, Tanaka H, Hino M, Miyakawa T, Ohki T, Ye LH, Xie C, Yoshiyama S, Nakamura A, Ishikawa R, Tanokura M, Oiwa K, Kohama K. Stimulatory effects of arachidonic acid on myosin ATPase activity and contraction of smooth muscle via myosin motor domain. Am J Physiol Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2010; 298: H505-H514.

27. Thatcher SE, Fultz ME, Tanaka H, Hagiwara H, Zhang HL, Zhang Y, Hayakawa K, Yoshiyama S, Nakamura A, Wang HH, Katayama T, Watanabe M, Lin Y, Wright GL, Kohama K. Myosin Light Chain Kinase / Actin Interaction in Phorbol Dibutyrate–Stimulated Smooth Muscle Cells. J Pharmacol Sci 2011;116:116-127

28.Yumoto M. Watanabe M. Blebbistatin, a myosin II inhibitor, suppresses Ca2+-induced and “sensitized”-contraction of skinned tracheal muscles from guinea pig. J Smooth Musc Res 2013; 49: 89-98.

29. Ohmori H, Otsu M, Suzuki A, Nakayama T, Akama,K, Watanabe M, Inoue N. Effects of heat shock on survival, proliferation and differentiation of mouse neural stem cells. Neurosci Res 2014; 79:1-12.

30. Naraki Y, Watanabe M, Takaya K. Inhibitory effects of Rubratoxin A, a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2, on the Ca2+-dependent contraction of skinned carotid artery from guinea pig. J Smooth Musc Res 2019; 55: 14--22

31.Mihashi S, Ishida Y, Watanabe M. Accelerating effects of blebbistatin on relaxation process of cell membrane permeabilized trachea and taenia cecum from guinea pig. J. Smooth Muscle Res. 2020; 56: 19–28

32. 小西 真人、渡辺 賢、田代 倫子. 細胞機能とマグネシウム. 輸液栄養 2001; 23:491-495.

(1) 単著総説
1. 一般細胞膜の尿酸輸送機構. 日本臨床 2003; 61 増刊号1: 124 -128

2. 渡辺 賢, 小比類巻 生,湯本 正寿. 血管異常収縮の新しい治療戦略:平滑筋収縮タンパク質フィラメント構造と機能からのアプローチ. 日本薬理学雑誌 2009; 133: 130-133.

3. Watanabe M, Ishiwata S, Liou Y-M. A potential role of actin filament polymerization/depolymerization in smooth muscle contraction. Adaptive Medicine 2010; 2: 23-28.

4. Takai A, Eto M, Hirano K, Takeya K, Wakimoto T, Watanabe M. Protein phosphatase 1 and 2A and their naturally occurring inhibitors: current topic in smooth muscle physiology and chemical biology. J Physiol Sci. 2018 Jan; 68 (1):1-17.

1. Yagi N, Takemori S, Watanabe M. Current X-ray diffraction experiments using a synchrotron radiation source. In Mechanisms of Myofilament Sliding in Muscle Contraction” Adv Exp Med Biol 332; ed by Sugi H, Pollack GH. Plenum Press, New York (単行本1993) 423-33

2. Konishi M, Tashiro M, Watanabe M, Iwamoto T, Shigekawa M, Kurihara S. Cell membrane-transport of magnesium in cardiac myocytes and CCL39 cells expressing the sodium-calcium exchanger. In Advances in Magnesium Research: Nutrition and health. Ed by Rayssiguier Y, Mazur A, Durlach J. John Libbey & Company (単行本、2001 ) 53-57

3. Turusn P, Tashiro M, Watanabe M, Konishi M. Cellular basis of magnesium transport. In New Perspectives in Magnesium Research. Ed. By Nishizawa Y, Morii H, Durlach J. Springer (単行本、2005)293-305
平成16―17, 20-21年度 日本学術振興会・科学研究費補助金・第1段審査委員
平成18・19年 (社)医療系大学間教養試験実施評価機構・共用試験医学系CBT実施小委員会・             ブラッシュアップ専門部会委員
平成19年 (社)医療系大学間教養試験実施評価機構・共用試験医学系CBTモニター委員
平成29年-  東京都後期高齢者医療広域連合懇談会 委員(副会長)
平成29年‐ 東京都立駒込病院運営協議会委員
平成28年‐ 東京都立城東高等学校運絵協議会委員
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  • フロンティアヘルスサイエンス特別研究b
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  • 病態生理学特論
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  • 筋肉生理学特論
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  • 生理学特論演習
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  • 筋肉生理学特講演習
  • 筋肉生理学特講演習
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