西島 壮 ニシジマ タケシ にしじま たけし
東京都立大学人間健康科学研究科 ヘルスプロモーションサイエンス学域
筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科 修了 博士(体育科学)
Funabashi D, Tsuchida R, Matsui T, Kita I, Nishijima T. Enlarged housing space and increased spatial complexity enhance hippocampal neurogenesis but do not increase physical activity in mice. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5:1203260. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1203260, 2023.
Tsuchida R, Yamaguchi T, Funabashi D, Koumi Y, Kita I, Nishijima T. Exercise type influences the effect of an acute bout of exercise on hippocampal neuronal activation in mice. Neuroscience Letters 783, 136707, 2022.
Funabashi D, Wakiyama T, Muto N, Kita I, Nishijima T. Social isolation is a direct determinant of decreased home‐cage activity in mice: A within‐subjects study using a body‐implantable actimeter. Experimental Physiology 107(2) 133-146, 2022.
Morikawa R, Kubota N, Amemiya S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Interaction between intensity and duration of acute exercise on neuronal activity associated with depression-related behavior in rats. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 71(1), doi: 10.1186/s12576-020-00788-5, 2021.
Amemiya S, Ishida M, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Stress drives deliberative tendencies by influencing vicarious trial and error in decision making. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107276-107276, 2020.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Central nucleus of the amygdala is involved in induction of yawning response in rats. Behavioual Brain Research 371: 111974. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.11197, 2019.
Sato K, Nishijima T, Yokokawa T, Fujita S. Acute bout of exercise induced prolonged muscle glucose transporter-4 translocation and delayed counter-regulatory hormone response in type 1 diabetes. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0178505, 2017.
Nishijima T*, Kamidozono Y, Ishiizumi A, Amemiya S, Kita I. Negative rebound in hippocampal neurogenesis following exercise cessation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 313: R347-R357, 2017.
Trueba-Saiz A, Fernandez AM, Nishijima T, Santi A, Munive V, Mecha M, Torres-Aleman I. Circulating insulin like growth factor I regulates its receptor in the brain. Endocrinology, 158: 349-355, 2017.
Nishijima T*, Torres-Aleman I, Soya H. Exercise and cerebrovascular plasticity. Prog Brain Res, 225: 243-268, 2016.
Otsuka T, Nishii A, Amemiya S, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Effects of acute treadmill running at different intensities on activities of serotonin and corticotropin-releasing factor neurons, and anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors in rats. Behav Brain Res, 298: 44-51, 2016.
Amemiya S, Kubota N, Umeyama N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Noradrenergic signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala differentially regulates vicarious trial-and error in a spatial decision-making task. Behav Brain Res, 297: 104-111, 2016.
Nishijima T*, Kawakami M, Kita I. A bout of treadmill exercise increases matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in the rat hippocampus. Neurosci Lett, 594: 144-149, 2015. (*corresponding author)
Nishijima T*, Kita I. Deleterious effects of physical inactivity on the hippocampus: New insight into the increasing prevalence of stress-related depression. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 4: 253-258, 2015.
Inoue K, Hanaoka Y, Nishijima T, Okamoto M, Chang H, Saito T, Soya H. Long-term mild exercise training enhances hippocampus-dependent memory in rats. Int J Sports Med, in press.
Amemiya S, Noji T, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Noradrenergic modulation of vicarious trial-and-error behavior during a spatial decision making task in rats. Neuroscience, 265: 291-301, 2014.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Emotional Stress evoked by classical fear conditioning induces yawning behavior in rats. Neurosci Lett, 566: 182-187, 2014.
Nishijima T, Kawakami M, Kita I. Long-term exercise is a potent trigger for ΔFosB induction in the hippocampus along the dorso-ventral axis. PLoS ONE, 8(11):e81245, 2013.
Nishijima T, Llorens-Martin M, Tejeda GS, Inoue K, Yamamura Y, Soya H, Trejo JL, Torres-Aleman I. Cessation of voluntary wheel running increases anxiety-like behavior and impairs adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice. Behav Brain Res 245C:34-41, 2013
Nishijima T, Okamoto M, Matsui T, Kita I, Soya H. Hippocampal functional hyperemia mediated by NMDA receptor/NO signaling in rats during mild exercise. J Appl Physiol 112:197-203, 2012.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Motoki C, Otsuka T, Nishijima T, Kita I. Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist reduces activation of noradrenalin and serotonin neurons in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe in the arousal response accompanied by yawning behavior in rats. Neurosci Res 72:316-323, 2012.
Nishijima T*, Piriz J*, Duflot S*, Fernandez AM, Gaitan G, Gomez-Pinedo U, Verdugo JM, Leroy F, Soya H, Nunez A, Torres-Aleman I. Neuronal activity drives localized blood-brain-barrier transport of serum insulin-like growth factor-I into the CNS. Neuron 67:834-846, 2010. *contributed equally
Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Suzuki S, Kubota N, Motoki C, Otsuka T, Nishijima T, Kita I. Differential effects of background noise of various intensities on neuronal activation associated with arousal and stress response in a maze task. Physiol Behav 99:521-528, 2010
Timinkul A, Kato M, Omori T, Deocaris CC, Ito A, Kizuka T, Sakairi Y, Nishijima T, Asada T, Soya H. Enhancing effect of cerebral blood volume by mild exercise in healthy young men: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurosci Res 61:242-248, 2008.
Soya H, Mukai A, Deocaris CC, Ohiwa N, Chang H, Nishijima T, Fujikawa T, Togashi K, Saito T. Threshold-like pattern of neuronal activation in the hypothalamus during treadmill running: establishment of a minimum running stress (MRS) rat model. Neurosci Res 58:341-348, 2007.
Soya H, Nakamura T, Deocaris CC, Kimpara A, Iimura M, Fujikawa T, Chang H, McEwen BS, Nishijima T. BDNF induction with mild exercise in the rat hippocampus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 358:961-967, 2007.
Nishijima T, Soya H. Evidence of functional hyperemia in the rat hippocampus during mild treadmill running. Neurosci Res 54:186-191, 2006.
Nishijima T, Soya H. Hemodynamics under Hippocampal Functional Hyperemia in Anesthetized Rat: A Greater Contribution of Red Blood Cell Velocity Compared to Its Concentration. Jpn J Physiol 55:303-307, 2005.
Tsuchida R, Yamaguchi T, Funabashi D, Koumi Y, Kita I, Nishijima T. Exercise type influences the effect of an acute bout of exercise on hippocampal neuronal activation in mice. Neuroscience Letters 783, 136707, 2022.
Funabashi D, Wakiyama T, Muto N, Kita I, Nishijima T. Social isolation is a direct determinant of decreased home‐cage activity in mice: A within‐subjects study using a body‐implantable actimeter. Experimental Physiology 107(2) 133-146, 2022.
Morikawa R, Kubota N, Amemiya S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Interaction between intensity and duration of acute exercise on neuronal activity associated with depression-related behavior in rats. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 71(1), doi: 10.1186/s12576-020-00788-5, 2021.
Amemiya S, Ishida M, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Stress drives deliberative tendencies by influencing vicarious trial and error in decision making. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107276-107276, 2020.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Central nucleus of the amygdala is involved in induction of yawning response in rats. Behavioual Brain Research 371: 111974. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.11197, 2019.
Sato K, Nishijima T, Yokokawa T, Fujita S. Acute bout of exercise induced prolonged muscle glucose transporter-4 translocation and delayed counter-regulatory hormone response in type 1 diabetes. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0178505, 2017.
Nishijima T*, Kamidozono Y, Ishiizumi A, Amemiya S, Kita I. Negative rebound in hippocampal neurogenesis following exercise cessation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 313: R347-R357, 2017.
Trueba-Saiz A, Fernandez AM, Nishijima T, Santi A, Munive V, Mecha M, Torres-Aleman I. Circulating insulin like growth factor I regulates its receptor in the brain. Endocrinology, 158: 349-355, 2017.
Nishijima T*, Torres-Aleman I, Soya H. Exercise and cerebrovascular plasticity. Prog Brain Res, 225: 243-268, 2016.
Otsuka T, Nishii A, Amemiya S, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Effects of acute treadmill running at different intensities on activities of serotonin and corticotropin-releasing factor neurons, and anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors in rats. Behav Brain Res, 298: 44-51, 2016.
Amemiya S, Kubota N, Umeyama N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Noradrenergic signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala differentially regulates vicarious trial-and error in a spatial decision-making task. Behav Brain Res, 297: 104-111, 2016.
Nishijima T*, Kawakami M, Kita I. A bout of treadmill exercise increases matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in the rat hippocampus. Neurosci Lett, 594: 144-149, 2015. (*corresponding author)
Nishijima T*, Kita I. Deleterious effects of physical inactivity on the hippocampus: New insight into the increasing prevalence of stress-related depression. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 4: 253-258, 2015.
Inoue K, Hanaoka Y, Nishijima T, Okamoto M, Chang H, Saito T, Soya H. Long-term mild exercise training enhances hippocampus-dependent memory in rats. Int J Sports Med, in press.
Amemiya S, Noji T, Kubota N, Nishijima T, Kita I. Noradrenergic modulation of vicarious trial-and-error behavior during a spatial decision making task in rats. Neuroscience, 265: 291-301, 2014.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Nishijima T, Kita I. Emotional Stress evoked by classical fear conditioning induces yawning behavior in rats. Neurosci Lett, 566: 182-187, 2014.
Nishijima T, Kawakami M, Kita I. Long-term exercise is a potent trigger for ΔFosB induction in the hippocampus along the dorso-ventral axis. PLoS ONE, 8(11):e81245, 2013.
Nishijima T, Llorens-Martin M, Tejeda GS, Inoue K, Yamamura Y, Soya H, Trejo JL, Torres-Aleman I. Cessation of voluntary wheel running increases anxiety-like behavior and impairs adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice. Behav Brain Res 245C:34-41, 2013
Nishijima T, Okamoto M, Matsui T, Kita I, Soya H. Hippocampal functional hyperemia mediated by NMDA receptor/NO signaling in rats during mild exercise. J Appl Physiol 112:197-203, 2012.
Kubota N, Amemiya S, Motoki C, Otsuka T, Nishijima T, Kita I. Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist reduces activation of noradrenalin and serotonin neurons in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe in the arousal response accompanied by yawning behavior in rats. Neurosci Res 72:316-323, 2012.
Nishijima T*, Piriz J*, Duflot S*, Fernandez AM, Gaitan G, Gomez-Pinedo U, Verdugo JM, Leroy F, Soya H, Nunez A, Torres-Aleman I. Neuronal activity drives localized blood-brain-barrier transport of serum insulin-like growth factor-I into the CNS. Neuron 67:834-846, 2010. *contributed equally
Amemiya S, Yanagita S, Suzuki S, Kubota N, Motoki C, Otsuka T, Nishijima T, Kita I. Differential effects of background noise of various intensities on neuronal activation associated with arousal and stress response in a maze task. Physiol Behav 99:521-528, 2010
Timinkul A, Kato M, Omori T, Deocaris CC, Ito A, Kizuka T, Sakairi Y, Nishijima T, Asada T, Soya H. Enhancing effect of cerebral blood volume by mild exercise in healthy young men: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurosci Res 61:242-248, 2008.
Soya H, Mukai A, Deocaris CC, Ohiwa N, Chang H, Nishijima T, Fujikawa T, Togashi K, Saito T. Threshold-like pattern of neuronal activation in the hypothalamus during treadmill running: establishment of a minimum running stress (MRS) rat model. Neurosci Res 58:341-348, 2007.
Soya H, Nakamura T, Deocaris CC, Kimpara A, Iimura M, Fujikawa T, Chang H, McEwen BS, Nishijima T. BDNF induction with mild exercise in the rat hippocampus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 358:961-967, 2007.
Nishijima T, Soya H. Evidence of functional hyperemia in the rat hippocampus during mild treadmill running. Neurosci Res 54:186-191, 2006.
Nishijima T, Soya H. Hemodynamics under Hippocampal Functional Hyperemia in Anesthetized Rat: A Greater Contribution of Red Blood Cell Velocity Compared to Its Concentration. Jpn J Physiol 55:303-307, 2005.
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