INOUE Kazumasa

井上 一雅 イノウエ カズマサ いのうえ かずまさ



東京都立大学健康福祉学部 放射線学科
人間健康科学研究科 放射線科学域







1. 放射線被ばくに対する健康管理に資するアジア・アフリカ環境放射線研究ネットワーク
2. 近赤外/核医学複合分子プローブを駆使した手術支援技術に関する研究
3. 放射線グラフト重合技術を駆使した吸着技術の開発
4. AIを駆使した人工放射性核種の深度分布計測技術に関する研究
5. 高自然放射線地域における天然放射性核種の動態研究
6. 量子イメージング技術に関する研究
7. α線放出核種の放射線安全管理技術に関する研究
8. 医薬品に起因した水環境汚染に関する研究
9. 放射線ファントム材料の品質検査技術に関する研究


Near-infrared fluorescence, PET/CT, SPECT/CT, Small animal imaging, Image-guided surgery, Artificial intelligence (AI), High background radiation area, Radiocesium, α-ray spectrum survey meter.




1. Sagara H, Inoue K, Mano C, Kajiwara H, Nagai Y, Fujii H, Inaki A. Usefulness of a new anthropomorphic phantom simulating the chest and abdomen regions in PET tests. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 2024. (in press)

2. Ito S, Inoue K, Natarajan T, Singh S, Sahoo SK, Bajwa BS. Assessment of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K and natural gamma radiation dose in Bathinda, Punjab (India): Insights from a car-borne survey. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2024. (in press)

3. Mihei Y, Tani K, Ichinose J, Nagatsu K, Fukushi M, Kurihara O, Inoue K. Energy resolution improvement in simplified alpha spectroscopy for radionuclidic purity tests on 225Ac production floors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 15, 1443-1449, 2024.

4. Yokomizo S, Kopp T, Roessing M, Morita A, Lee S, Cho S, Ogawa E, Komai E, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Feil S, Kim HH, Bragin D, Gerashchenko D, Huang P, Kashiwagi S, Atochin D. Near-infrared II photobiomodulation preconditioning ameliorates stroke injury via phosphorylation of eNOS, Stroke, 55(6), 1641-1649, 2024.

5. Natarajan T, Sahoo SK, Inoue K, Arae H, Aono T, Fukushi M. Natural radionuclides and radiological risk assessment in the stream and river sediments of a high background natural radiation area Kanyakumari, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196, 330, 2024.

6. Sakr S, Inoue K, Arae H, Sahoo SK. Geochemical study of rare earth elements, uranium and thorium in mylonitic rocks of north Abu Rusheid, Egypt using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333, 3269-3277, 2024.

7. Inoue K, Natarajan T, Sahoo SK, Fukushi M, Yoshimura T, Joshi A, Thakur V, Ramola RC, Car-borne survey to construct the distribution of absorbed dose rate in air in the Tehri Garhwal region, India. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333, 3107-3114, 2024.

8. Natarajan T, Sahoo SK, Nakajima T, Veerasamy N, Yamazaki S, Inoue K, Ramola RC. Distribution of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in Kanyakumari beach placer deposits along Tamil Nadu coast, India. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333, 2587-2595, 2024.

9. Shimizu H, Inoue K, Tsuruoka H, Taguchi Y, Satoshi Ito, Natarajan T, Sagara H, Yoshimura T, Mihai Y, Ramola RC, Sahoo SK, Fukushi M. Changes of External Dose to the Public on Main Roads Around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Site, Japanese Journal of Education for Radiological Technology, 2024. (in press)

10. Yagihashi T, Inoue T, Shiba S, Yamano A, Yamanaka M, Sato N, Inoue K, Omura M, Nagata H. Comparing Efficacy Between Robust and PTV Margin-based Optimizations for Interfractional Anatomical Variations in Prostate Tomotherapy. In Vivo, 38, 409-417, 2023.

11. Sagara H, Inoue K, Yaku H, Ohsawa A, Mano C, Morita T, Hiyama T, Muramatsu Y, Inaki A, Fujii H. A new simpler image quality index based on body size for FDG-PET/CT. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 45(1), 93-101, 2023.

12. Yagihashi T, Inoue T, Shiba S, Yamano A, Minagawa Y, Omura M, Inoue K, Nagata H. Impact of delivery time factor on treatment time and plan quality in tomogherapy. Scientific Reports, 13, 12207, 2023.

13. Veerasamy N, Sahoo SK, Natarajan T, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Ramola RC. Distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides and gamma dose rate assessment in the soils of high background natural radiation area Odisha, India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 199, 2194-2198, 2023.

14. Sakr S, Inoue K, Mohamed A, Ahmed AA, ElFeky MG, Saleh GM, Kamar MS, Arae H, Aono T, Sahoo SK. Distribution of natural radionuclides in NORM samples from North Abu Rusheid area, Egypt, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 266-267, 107240, 2023.

15. Natarajan T, Inoue K, Sahoo SK. Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry and 234U/238U, 235U/238U Isotope Ratios of the Kanyakumari Beach Placer Deposits: Occurrence and Provenance. Minerals, 13(7), 886, 2023.

16. Pauzi MABM, Umemoto T, Fujimoto K, Sakama M, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Imajo Y, Endo M. Development of Convolutional Neural Networks to Estimate Depth Distribution of Radioisotope in Soil Layers. Journal of Signal Processing, 27(4), 103-106, 2023.

17. Veerasamy N, Kasar S, Murugan R, Inoue K, Natarajan T, Ramola RC, Fukushi M, Sahoo SK. 234U/238U disequilibrium and 235U/238U ratios measured using MC-ICP-MS in natural high background radiation area soils to understand the fate of uranium. Chemosphere, 323, 138217, 2023.

18. Yagihashi T, Inoue K, Nagata H, Yamanaka M, Yamano A, Suzuki S, Yamakabe W, Sato N, Omura M, Inoue T. Effectiveness of robust optimization against geometric uncertainties in TomoHelical planning for prostate cancer. Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 24, e13881, 2022.

19. Yokomizo S, Henary M, Buabeng ER, Fukuda T, Monaco H, Baek Y, Manganiello S, Wang H, Kubota J, Ulumben AD, Lv X, Wang C, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Kang H, Bao K, Kashiwagi S, Choi HS. Topical pH sensing NIR fluorophores for intraoperative imaging and surgery of disseminated ovarian cancer, Advanced Science, 2022.

20. Inoue K, Fukushi M, Sahoo SK, Veerasamy N, Furukawa A, Soyama S, Sakata A, Isoda R, Taguchi Y, Hosokawa S, Sagara H, Natarajan T. Measurements and future projections of Gd-based contrast agents for MRI exams in wastewater treatment plants in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 174, 113259, 2022.

21. Nakamura Y, Kubota J, Nishimura Y, Nagata K, Nishimura M, Daino K, Ishikawa A, Kaneko T, Mashimo T, Kokubo K, Takabatake M, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Arai M, Saito M, Shimada Y, Kakinuma S, Imaoka T. Brca1L63X/+ rat is a novel model of human BRCA1 deficiency displaying susceptibility to radiation-induced mammary cancer, Cancer Science, 113, 3362-3375, 2022.

22. Shimizu H, Inoue K, Tsuruoka H, Takabatake M, Fukushi M. Study on the Concentration of Radioactive Cesium in the Environment after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Igaku butsuri, 42(3), 164-169, 2022.

23. Hosokawa S, Takahashi Y, Inoue K, Nagasawa C, Watanabe Y, Yamamoto H, Fukushi M. Validation of a saliency map for assessing image quality in nuclear medicine: experimental study outcomes, Radiation, 2(3), 248-258, 2022.

24. Fukuda T, Yokomizo S, Casa S, Monaco H, Manganiello S, Wang H, Lv X, Ulumben AD, Yang C, Kang MW, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Sumi T, Wang C, Kang H, Bao K, Henary M, Kashiwagi S, Choi HS. Fast and Durable Intraoperative Near-infrared Imaging of Ovarian Cancer Using Ultrabright Squaraine Fluorophores. Angewandte Chemie, e202117330, 2022.

25. Saito K, Inoue K, Ishita Y, Shimizu H, Fukushi M. Distribution of gamma radiation dose rate and activity concentration in soil related with natural radionuclides on Taiwan main island. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 198, 13-15, 998-1003, 2022.

26. 三本拓也、高畠賢、井上一雅、福士政広.腫瘍学分野におけるPET研究.医学物理, 42-2, 80-87, 2022.

27. Shimizu H, Inoue K, Tsuruoka H, Veerasamy N, Saito K, Fukushi M. Distribution of radiocesium concentrations of soils in the eight Izu Islands after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 198, 13-15, 879-885, 2022.

28. Yokomizo S, Nishimura M, Morioka T, Tsuruoka C, Shang Y, Nishimura Y, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Imaoka T, Kakinuma S, Shimada Y. Environmental enrichment increases radiation-induced apoptosis but not spontaneous apoptosis in mouse intestinal crypt cells. In Vivo, 36, 618-627, 2021.

29. 工藤伸一, 井上一雅, 福士政広. 放射線業務従事者を対象としたコホート研究. 医学物理, 41(4), 180-193, 2021.

30. Veerasamy N, Sahoo SK, Murugan R, Kasar S, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Natarajan T. ICP-MS measurement of trace and rare earth elements in beach placer deposit soils of Odisha, East coast of India to estimate natural enhancement of elements in the environment. Molecules, 26(24), 7510, 2021.

31. 高畠賢, 井上一雅, 福士政広. 動物モデルを用いた放射線発がん研究. 医学物理, 41(3), 143-148, 2021.

32. Nishimura M, Daino K, Fukuda M, Tanaka I, Moriyama H, Showler K, Nishimura Y, Kohubo T, Ishikawa A, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Kakinuma S, Imaoka T, Shimada Y. Development of mammary cancer in γ-irradiated F1 hybrids of susceptible Sprague-Dawley and resistant Copenhagen rats, with copy-number losses that pinpoint potential tumor suppressors. PLOS ONE, 0255968, 2021.

33. Yokomizo S, Katagiri W, Maki Y, Sano T, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Atochin DN, Kushibiki T, Kawana A, Kimizuka Y, Kashiwagi S. Brief exposure of skin to near-infrared laser augments early vaccine responses, Nanophotonics, 10(12), 3187-3197, 2021.

34. Sagara H, Inoue K, Yaku H, Ohsawa A, Someya T, Yanagisawa K, Ohashi S, Ishigaki R, Wakabayashi M, Muramatsu Y, Fujii H. Optimization of injection dose in 18F-FDG PET/CT based on the 2020 national diagnostic reference levels for nuclear medicine in Japan. Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 35, 1177-1186, 2021.

35. 細川翔大, 小山内暢, 渡辺侑也, 高橋康幸, 加納大輔, 中神佳宏, 井上一雅, 福士政広.文献調査支援のための引用関係を可視化するアプリケーションの開発.日本診療放射線学教育学会誌, 9, 39-42, 2021.

36. Hosokawa S, Takahashi Y, Inoue K, Sagara H, Kano D, Nakagami Y, Fukushi M. Simple image quality assessment using PET and CT image information. Japanese Journal of Education for Radiological Technology, 9, 21-26, 2021.

37. Ichihara M, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Shimizu H, Tsuruoka H, Veerasamy N, Tsukada M, Soyama S, Hosokawa S, Kato T, Sagara H, Taguchi Y, Natarajan T. Changes on distribution of absorbed dose rates in air in an urban area after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 329, 427-435, 2021.

38. Tsukada M, Inoue K, Ichihara M, Nakazawa S, Sagara H, Taguchi Y, Fukushi M. Changes in environmental radiation levels in Katsushika Ward, Tokyo after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 328: 411-418, 2021.

39. Veerasamy N, Murugan R, Kasar S, Inoue K, Kavasi N, Balakrishnan S, Arae H, Fukushi M, Sahoo SK. Geochemical characterization of monazite sands based on rare earth elements, thorium and uranium from a natural high background radiation area in Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 232, 106565, 2021.

40. Yokomizo S, Nomura S, Wang Z, Kang H, Bao K, Yang C, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Kashiwagi S, Choi HS. CD117-targeted intraoperative imaging of gastrointestinal stromal tumor using zwitterionic near-infrared fluorophores. Proceedings SPIE, 11625, 2021.

41. Inoue K, Fukushi M, Le VT, Vu NH, Tsukada M, Ichihara M, Taguchi Y, Sagara H. Changes on distribution of absorbed dose rate in air related with infrastructure projects on Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Radiation Environment and Medicine, 10(2), 67-73, 2021.

42. 細川翔太, 高橋康幸, 井上一雅, 杉沼愛花, 寺尾誌織, 加納大輔, 中神佳宏, 渡辺侑也, 山本裕樹, 福士政広. 顕著性を用いたヒトの見え方に基づく SPECT 画像の客観的画質評価. 核医学技術, 41(2), 175-184, 2021.

43. Moriyama H, Daino K, Ishikawa A, Imaoka T, Nishimura M, Nishimura Y, Takabatake M, Morioka T, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Shimada Y, Kakinuma S. Exome of Radiation-Induced Rat Mammary Carcinoma Shows Copy-Number Losses and Mutations in Human-Relevant Cancer Genes. Anticancer Research, 41(1), 55-70, 2021.

44. Pham KD, Yamazaki K, Nishii R, Tani K, Kurihara O, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Higashi T. Individual dose assessment in 99mTc-GSA hepatic scintigraphy using a nine- compartment biokinetic model. Proceedings of 15th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 2020.

45. Inoue K, Fukushi M, Le VT, Tsuruoka H, Kasahara S, Verrasamy N. Distribution of gamma radiation dose rate related with natural radionuclides in all of Vietnam and radiological risk assessment of the built-up environment. Scientific Reports, 10, 12428, 2020.

46. 細川翔大, 井上一雅, 高橋康幸, 加納大輔, 中神佳宏, 中澤脩人, 渡辺侑也, 白川浩二, 福士政広. PET装置の構成および性能と散乱成分の関係. 核医学技術, 40(4), 389-398, 2020.

47. Veerasamy N, Sahoo SK, Inoue K, Fukushi M. Geochemical behavior of uranium and thorium in sand and sandy soil samples from a natural high background radiation area of the Odisha coast, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 31339-31349, 2020.

48. Veerasamy N, Takamasa A, Murugan R, Kasar S, Aono T, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Sahoo SK. Chemical Separation of Uranium and Precise Measurement of 234U/238U and 235U/238U Ratios in Soil Samples Using Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Molecules, 25: 2138, 2020.

49. Inoue K, Sahoo SK, Veerasamy N, Fukushi M. Distribution patterns of gamma radiation dose rate and radiological hazard indexes in the high background radiation area of Odisha, India. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 324(3): 1423-1434, 2020.

50. Inoue K, Fukushi M, Furukawa A, Sahoo SK, Veerasamy N, Ichimura K, Kasahara S, Ichihara M, Tsukada M, Torii M, Mizoguchi M, Taguchi Y, Nakazawa S. Impact on gadolinium anomaly in river waters in Tokyo related to the increased number of MRI devices in use. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, 111148, 2020.


1. 井上一雅,福士政広,古川顕.MRI 造影検査後に尿中排泄された造影剤はどこにいく? 〜MRI 検査用ガドリニウム造影剤の環境動態〜.2020/4/27.

2. Inoue K, Fukushi M, Furukawa A. Dose MRI have an environmental impact? Gadolinium found in elevated amounts near water treatment plants in Tokyo rivers. EurekAlert! 2020/5/23.

3. 今岡達彦、真下知士、井上一雅、新井正美、齊藤光江.遺伝性乳がんの新しい動物モデルの作製に成功‐遺伝性乳がんが出やすくなる仕組みの解明や予防法の研究開発への応用に期待‐.2022/8/18.

4. 井上一雅.世界初、レーザー光による脳卒中治療の新たな可能性.2024/6/29

特 許(計1件)

著 書(計15冊)
1. 井上一雅 他:看護師のための放射線の知識,放射線診療とその看護,医療科学社,東京,2024.

2. 井上一雅 他:第1種放射線取扱主任者試験重要問題集中トレーニング, メジカルビュー社, 東京, 2024.

3. 井上一雅 他:診療放射線技師スリムベーシック 放射線医学概論, メジカルビュー社, 東京, 2023.

4. 井上一雅 他:診療放射線技師スリムベーシック 放射線安全管理学, メジカルビュー社, 東京, 2022.

5. 井上一雅 他:第1種放射線取扱主任者試験マスター・ノート 第4版, メジカルビュー社, 東京, 2021.

1. 日本放射線技術学会, 土井賞 核医学/MRI分野, 2012.
2. 第33回日本核医学技術学会, 優秀ポスター賞, 2013.
3. 日本保健物理学会第48回研究発表会,優秀ポスター賞, 2015.
4. 日本放射線技術学会東京支部,新人研究奨励賞, 2017.
5. 第54回アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会,若手優秀講演賞, 2017.
6. 日本放射線技術学会, 核医学分野 研究奨励賞・技術新人賞, 2018.
7. TREICEP Conference 2018, Best PhD Student Poster Award, 2018.
8. 日本放射線技術学会東京支部,新人研究奨励賞, 2019.
9. 日本保健物理学会第51回研究発表会,優秀ポスター賞, 2018.
10. 日本保健物理学会,論文賞, 2019.
11. 日本アイソトープ協会,Radioisotope誌論文奨励賞, 2019.
12. 日本放射線影響学会第62回大会,優秀演題発表賞, 2019.
13. TREICEP Conference 2020, Young Profession Award, 2020.
14. 日本放射線影響学会第63回大会,優秀発表賞, 2020.
15. Institute for Environmental Sciences Symposium 2021, Poster Award, 2021.
16. 優秀ポスター賞, 第3回日本放射線安全管理学会・日本保健物理学会合同大会, 2021.
17. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection, Best poster award, 2022.
18. 第16回日本診療放射線学教育学会学術集会, 学術奨励賞, 2023.
19. First International Conference on Radiation Awareness and Detection in Natural Environment, Best oral presentation award, 2023.
ハーバード大学医学部 客員教授
原子力規格委員会 放射線管理分科会 委員
東京都立大学同窓会 評議員(2016-2020)
日本保健物理学会 編集委員会 幹事(2016-2019)
  • 放射線看護学
  • 核医学臨床実習
  • 放射線医学概論
  • 放射線安全管理学実験
  • 放射線科学実験
  • 核医学検査技術学
  • 核医学検査技術学実習
  • 核医学診断機器学
  • 放射線関係法規Ⅱ
  • 医療安全管理学
  • 放射線科学特別研究a
  • 放射線科学特論
  • 放射線科学特論
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特論
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特論
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特論演習
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特論演習
  • ポジトロン科学特論
  • ポジトロン科学特論
  • 放射線科学特別研究a
  • 放射線科学特別研究a
  • 放射線科学特講
  • 放射線科学特講
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特講
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特講
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特講演習
  • 核医学物理学・保健物理学特講演習
  • 放射線防護特論
  • 特別臨床研修Ⅰ
  • 特別臨床研修Ⅱ
  • 放射線科学特別研究b
  • 放射線科学特別研究b
  • 放射線科学特別研究a
  • 放射線科学特別研究b
  • 放射線科学特別研究b
  • 組織再編前旧課程の同時開講科目等が含まれており、掲載されている全ての科目を開講するわけではありません。









水 10:00-17:00



