髙橋 文 タカハシ アヤ たかはし あや
Tanaka, K. M.†, Takahashi, K.†, Rice, G., Rebeiz, M., Kamimura, Y., and *Takahashi, A. (2022) Trichomes on female reproductive tract: rapid diversification and underlying gene regulatory network in Drosophila suzukii and its related species. BMC Ecol. Evol. 22:93. († Equal contribution)
McQueen, E. W., Afkhami, M., Atallah, J., Belote, J. M., Gompel, N., Heifetz, Y., Kamimura, Y., Kornhaeuser, S. C., Masly, J. P., O’Grady, P., Peláez, J., Rebeiz, M., Rice, G., Sánchez-Herrero, E., Nunes, M. D. S., Rampasso, A. S., Schnakenberg, S. L., Siegal, M. L., Takahashi, A., Tanaka, K. M., Turetzek, N., Zelinger, E., *Courtier-Orgogozo, V., *Toda, M. J., *Wolfner, M. F., and *Yassin, A. (2022) A standardized nomenclature and atlas of the female terminalia of Drosophila melanogaster. Fly 16:128–151.
Akiyama, N., Sato, S., Tanaka, K. M., Sakai, T., *Takahashi, A. (2022) The role of the epidermis enhancer element in positive and negative transcriptional regulation of ebony in Drosophila melanogaster. G3 12: jkac010
*Kim, B. Y., Wang, J. R., Miller, D. E., Barmina, O., Delaney, E., Thompson, A., Comeault, A. A., Peede, D., D’Agostino, E. R. R. , Pelaez, J., Aguilar, J. M. , Haji, D., Matsunaga, T., Armstrong, E. E. , Zych, M., Ogawa, Y., Stamenković-Radak, M., Jelić, M., Savić Veselinović, M., Tanasković, M., Erić, P., Gao, J. , Katoh, T. K., Toda, M., Watabe, H. , Watada, M., Davis, J., Moyle, L., Manoli, G., Bertolini, E., Košťál, V., Hawley, R. S., Takahashi, A., Jones, C. D., Price, D. K., Whiteman, N., Kopp, A., *Matute, D. R., *Petrov, D. A. (2021) Highly contiguous assemblies of 101 drosophilid genomes. eLife 10: e66405.
Sato, A., Tanaka, K. M., *Yew, J. Y., *Takahashi, A. (2021) Drosophila suzukii avoidance of microbes in oviposition choice. R. Soc. open sci. 8:201601.
Yagi, H., Xu, J., Moriguchi, N., Miyagi, R., Moritsuka, E., Sato, E., Sugai, K., Suzuki, S., Torimaru, T., Yamamoto, S., Takahashi, A., Tamura, K., Tachida, H., Teshima, K. M., *Kusumi, J. (2019) Population genetic analysis of two species of Distylium: D. racemosum growing in East Asian evergreen broad-leaved forests, and D. lepidotum endemic to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. Tree Genet. Genomes 15:77.
Miura, M., *Takahashi, A. (2019) Starvation tolerance associated with prolonged sleep bouts upon starvation in a single natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Evol. Biol. 32:1117–1123.
Massey, J. H., Akiyama, N., Bien, T., Dreisewerd, K., *Wittkopp, P. J., *Yew, J. Y., *Takahashi, A. (2019) Pleiotropic effects of ebony and tan on pigmentation and cuticular hydrocarbon composition in Drosophila melanogaster. Front. Physiol. 10: 518.
Moriguchi, N., Uchiyama, K., Miyagi, R., Moritsuka, E., Takahashi, A., Tamura, K., Tsumura,Y., Teshima, K., Tachida, H., and *Kusumi, J. (2019) Inferring the demographic history of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica, using amplicon sequencing. Heredity 123: 371-383.
Muto, L., Kamimura, Y., Tanaka, K. M., and *Takahashi, A. (2018) An innovative ovipositor for niche exploitation impacts genital coevolution between sexes in a fruit-damaging drosophila. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181635.
*Tanaka, K. M., Kamimura, Y., and Takahashi A. (2018) Mechanical incompatibility caused by modifications of multiple male genital structures using genomic introgression in Drosophila. Evolution 72: 2406-2418.
Osada, N., Miyagi, R., and *Takahashi, A. (2017) Cis- and trans-regulatory effects on gene expression in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 206: 2139-2148.
Takada, Y., Miyagi, R., Takahashi, A., Endo, T., and *Osada, N. (2017) A generalized linear model for decomposing cis-regulatory, parent-of-origin, and maternal effects on allele-specific gene expression. G3 7: 2227-2234.
Sunaga, S., Akiyama, N., Miyagi, R., and *Takahashi, A. (2016) Factors underlying natural variation in body pigmentation of Drosophila melanogaster. Genes Genet. Syst. 91: 127-137.
Yoshida, K., Miyagi, R., Mori, S., Takahashi, A., Makino, T., Toyoda, A., Fujiyama, A., and *Kitano, J. (2016) Whole genome sequencing reveals small genomic regions of introgression in an introduced crater lake population of threespine stickleback. Ecol. Evol. 6: 2190-2204.
Miyagi, R., Akiyama, N., Osada, N., and *Takahashi, A. (2015) Complex patterns of cis-regulatory polymorphisms in ebony underlie standing pigmentation variation in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecol. 24: 5829-5841.
*Takahashi, A. (2013) Pigmentation and behavior: potential association through pleiotropic genes in Drosophila. Genes Genet. Syst. 88: 165-174.
*Takahashi, A., Fujiwara-Tsujii, N., Yamaoka, R., Itoh, M., Ozaki, M. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2012) Cuticular hydrocarbon content that affects male mate preference of Drosophila melanogaster from West Africa. Int. J. Evol. Biol. 2012: Article ID 278903.
*Takahashi, A. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2011) Divergent enhancer haplotype of ebony on inversion In(3R)Payne associated with pigmentation variation in a tropical population of Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecol. 20: 4277-87.
*Takahashi, A. (2009) Effect of splicing regulation on the synonymous codon usage in alternatively spliced exons of Drosopbila Dscam. BMC Evol. Biol. 9: 214.
*Takahashi, A., Takahashi K., Ueda, R., and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2007) Natural variation of ebony gene controlling thoracic pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 177:1233-7.
*Takahashi, A. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2005) A high frequency null mutant of an odorant-binding protein gene, Obp57e, in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 170:709-18.
Takahashi, A., Liu, Y.-H., and *Saitou, N. (2004) Genetic variation versus recombination rate in a structured population of mice. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21:404-9.
*Takahashi, A., Ting, C.-T. (2003) Genetic basis of sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 120:273-284.
Takahashi, A., Tsaur, S.C., Coyne, J. A., and *Wu, C.-I (2001) The nucleotide changes governing cuticular hydrocarbon variation and their evolution in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98(7):3920-5.
McQueen, E. W., Afkhami, M., Atallah, J., Belote, J. M., Gompel, N., Heifetz, Y., Kamimura, Y., Kornhaeuser, S. C., Masly, J. P., O’Grady, P., Peláez, J., Rebeiz, M., Rice, G., Sánchez-Herrero, E., Nunes, M. D. S., Rampasso, A. S., Schnakenberg, S. L., Siegal, M. L., Takahashi, A., Tanaka, K. M., Turetzek, N., Zelinger, E., *Courtier-Orgogozo, V., *Toda, M. J., *Wolfner, M. F., and *Yassin, A. (2022) A standardized nomenclature and atlas of the female terminalia of Drosophila melanogaster. Fly 16:128–151.
Akiyama, N., Sato, S., Tanaka, K. M., Sakai, T., *Takahashi, A. (2022) The role of the epidermis enhancer element in positive and negative transcriptional regulation of ebony in Drosophila melanogaster. G3 12: jkac010
*Kim, B. Y., Wang, J. R., Miller, D. E., Barmina, O., Delaney, E., Thompson, A., Comeault, A. A., Peede, D., D’Agostino, E. R. R. , Pelaez, J., Aguilar, J. M. , Haji, D., Matsunaga, T., Armstrong, E. E. , Zych, M., Ogawa, Y., Stamenković-Radak, M., Jelić, M., Savić Veselinović, M., Tanasković, M., Erić, P., Gao, J. , Katoh, T. K., Toda, M., Watabe, H. , Watada, M., Davis, J., Moyle, L., Manoli, G., Bertolini, E., Košťál, V., Hawley, R. S., Takahashi, A., Jones, C. D., Price, D. K., Whiteman, N., Kopp, A., *Matute, D. R., *Petrov, D. A. (2021) Highly contiguous assemblies of 101 drosophilid genomes. eLife 10: e66405.
Sato, A., Tanaka, K. M., *Yew, J. Y., *Takahashi, A. (2021) Drosophila suzukii avoidance of microbes in oviposition choice. R. Soc. open sci. 8:201601.
Yagi, H., Xu, J., Moriguchi, N., Miyagi, R., Moritsuka, E., Sato, E., Sugai, K., Suzuki, S., Torimaru, T., Yamamoto, S., Takahashi, A., Tamura, K., Tachida, H., Teshima, K. M., *Kusumi, J. (2019) Population genetic analysis of two species of Distylium: D. racemosum growing in East Asian evergreen broad-leaved forests, and D. lepidotum endemic to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. Tree Genet. Genomes 15:77.
Miura, M., *Takahashi, A. (2019) Starvation tolerance associated with prolonged sleep bouts upon starvation in a single natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Evol. Biol. 32:1117–1123.
Massey, J. H., Akiyama, N., Bien, T., Dreisewerd, K., *Wittkopp, P. J., *Yew, J. Y., *Takahashi, A. (2019) Pleiotropic effects of ebony and tan on pigmentation and cuticular hydrocarbon composition in Drosophila melanogaster. Front. Physiol. 10: 518.
Moriguchi, N., Uchiyama, K., Miyagi, R., Moritsuka, E., Takahashi, A., Tamura, K., Tsumura,Y., Teshima, K., Tachida, H., and *Kusumi, J. (2019) Inferring the demographic history of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica, using amplicon sequencing. Heredity 123: 371-383.
Muto, L., Kamimura, Y., Tanaka, K. M., and *Takahashi, A. (2018) An innovative ovipositor for niche exploitation impacts genital coevolution between sexes in a fruit-damaging drosophila. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181635.
*Tanaka, K. M., Kamimura, Y., and Takahashi A. (2018) Mechanical incompatibility caused by modifications of multiple male genital structures using genomic introgression in Drosophila. Evolution 72: 2406-2418.
Osada, N., Miyagi, R., and *Takahashi, A. (2017) Cis- and trans-regulatory effects on gene expression in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 206: 2139-2148.
Takada, Y., Miyagi, R., Takahashi, A., Endo, T., and *Osada, N. (2017) A generalized linear model for decomposing cis-regulatory, parent-of-origin, and maternal effects on allele-specific gene expression. G3 7: 2227-2234.
Sunaga, S., Akiyama, N., Miyagi, R., and *Takahashi, A. (2016) Factors underlying natural variation in body pigmentation of Drosophila melanogaster. Genes Genet. Syst. 91: 127-137.
Yoshida, K., Miyagi, R., Mori, S., Takahashi, A., Makino, T., Toyoda, A., Fujiyama, A., and *Kitano, J. (2016) Whole genome sequencing reveals small genomic regions of introgression in an introduced crater lake population of threespine stickleback. Ecol. Evol. 6: 2190-2204.
Miyagi, R., Akiyama, N., Osada, N., and *Takahashi, A. (2015) Complex patterns of cis-regulatory polymorphisms in ebony underlie standing pigmentation variation in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecol. 24: 5829-5841.
*Takahashi, A. (2013) Pigmentation and behavior: potential association through pleiotropic genes in Drosophila. Genes Genet. Syst. 88: 165-174.
*Takahashi, A., Fujiwara-Tsujii, N., Yamaoka, R., Itoh, M., Ozaki, M. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2012) Cuticular hydrocarbon content that affects male mate preference of Drosophila melanogaster from West Africa. Int. J. Evol. Biol. 2012: Article ID 278903.
*Takahashi, A. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2011) Divergent enhancer haplotype of ebony on inversion In(3R)Payne associated with pigmentation variation in a tropical population of Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecol. 20: 4277-87.
*Takahashi, A. (2009) Effect of splicing regulation on the synonymous codon usage in alternatively spliced exons of Drosopbila Dscam. BMC Evol. Biol. 9: 214.
*Takahashi, A., Takahashi K., Ueda, R., and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2007) Natural variation of ebony gene controlling thoracic pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 177:1233-7.
*Takahashi, A. and Takano-Shimizu, T. (2005) A high frequency null mutant of an odorant-binding protein gene, Obp57e, in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 170:709-18.
Takahashi, A., Liu, Y.-H., and *Saitou, N. (2004) Genetic variation versus recombination rate in a structured population of mice. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21:404-9.
*Takahashi, A., Ting, C.-T. (2003) Genetic basis of sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 120:273-284.
Takahashi, A., Tsaur, S.C., Coyne, J. A., and *Wu, C.-I (2001) The nucleotide changes governing cuticular hydrocarbon variation and their evolution in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98(7):3920-5.
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