川東 正幸 カワヒガシ マサユキ かわひがし まさゆき
神戸大学大学院 自然科学研究科博士課程修了・博士(農学)
Nishikura, S. Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Effect of particle size distribution of sediments on development of polder soils in Japan. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-024-03831-9
Battulga, B., Munkhbat, D., Matsueda, M., Atarashi-Andoh, M., Bolormaa O., Koarashi, J., Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Uncovering the characteristics of plastic-associated biofilm from the inland river system of Mongolia. Environmental Pollution 357 124427.
Nishikura, S. and Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Soils in polders characterized by the formation of secondary iron oxides. Geographical reports of Tokyo metropolitan university 59: 143–150.
Nishikura S. Kawahigashi M. 2023. Effects of microtopography on soil development of the conserved area in the Isahaya Bay polder
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2023.2196535
Battulga B.,, Bolormaa O. Atarashi-Andoh M., Koarash J.i, Bolormaa O., Kawahigashi M. 2023. Plastic-associated metal(loid)s in the urban river environments of Mongolia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 261, 115110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115100
木田仁廣・川東正幸 2023. 土壌断面調査の実際 6. 造成地の土壌断面調査の実際. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 94: 131-134.
森下瑞貴・川東正幸 2023. 土壌断面調査の実際 5. 泥炭地・湿地における土壌断面調査の実際. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 94: 49-53.
Charzinski P. Kawahigashi M., 他45名(18番目)A global perspective on soil science education at third educational level; knowledge, practice, skills and challenges. Geoderma, 425: 116053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116053
Battulga B., Kawahigashi M., Bolormaa O. 2022 Characterization of biofilms formed on polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) on the shore of the Tuul River, Mongolia. Environmental Research, 212, 113329
Srisomkiew, S., Kawahigashi, M., Limtong, P. 2022. Digital soil assessment of soil fertility for Thai jasmine rice in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma, 409: 115597. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115597
川東正幸2021 永久凍土分布域の土壌にみる環境変化.学術の動向, 27:44-48.
森下瑞貴・木田仁廣・川東正幸 2021.日本に分布する有機質土を構成する泥炭物質の新分類案-北海道における分析値を基に-.日本土壌肥料科学雑誌 92(3): 225-237.http://doi.org/10.20710/dojo.92.3_225
Kida, K., Ibori, Y., Kawahigashi, M. 2021. Impact of farmland reclamation on soil distribution in Japan: the case of Andosols in Nagano Prefecture. Journal of Soils and Sediments in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02816-8
Ono, K., Noguchi, H., Noguchi, K., Imaya, A., Ugawa, Y., Komoriya, A., Tachibana, R., Murakami, H., Kida, K., Kawahigashi, K. 2021. Soil hardness regulates the root penetration by trees planted on anthropogenic growing bases in coastal forests in Japan: new endeavors to reforest the coastal disaster prevention forests with high resilience for tsunami. Journal of Soils and Sediments in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02788-9
Srisomkiew, S., Kawahigashi, M., Limtong, P. 2021. Digital mapping of soil chemical properties with limited data in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma, 389C: 114942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.114942
Battulga, B., Kawahigashi, M., Oyuntsetseg, B. 2020. Behavior and distribution of polystyrene foams on the shore of Tuul River in Mongolia. Environmental Pollution. 260: 113979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113979.
Batdulam, B., Bolormaa, O. and Kawahigashi, M. 2019. Distribution and composition of plastic debris along the river shore in the Selenga River Basin in Mongolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04632-1
Morishita, M. and Kawahigashi, M. 2018. Controlling factors for the distribution of sapric peat soils extracted by GIS analysis. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 65: 65-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2018.1544833
木田仁廣,川東正幸 2018. 人工物質の影響を受けた土壌分類上取り扱い―日本 の 土壌分類体系とoil Taxonomy及び世界土壌照合基準の比較―.Pedologist, 52, 14-25.
Kida, M., Orgilbold, M., Bolormaa O., Khakhinov, V.V., Kawahigashi, M. and Fujitake, N. 2018. Dissolved organic matter distribution and its association with colloidal aluminum and iron in the Selenga River Basin from Ulaanbaatar to Lake Baikal. Environmental Science and Pollution 25: 1-10.
Kawahigashi, M. and Kajiwara, T. 2023. Reforestation of Sandy Soils in the Tohoku Sea Coast of Japan. Ed. Alfred E. Hartemink and Jingyi Huang In Sandy Soils, pp. 191-200. Springer Nature Switzerland.
川東正幸 2021. オーストラリアの大規模森林火災.漆原和子・藤塚吉浩・松山洋・大西宏治共編, 図説 世界の地域問題 100., pp144-149. ナカニシヤ出版
川東正幸 2020. 里山と都市の土壌.「土壌学概論」, 朝倉書店, pp144-149.
Kawahigashi, M., Kida, K. 2021. Human-made soils. In Hatano, R., Shinjo, H. Takata, Y. Ed. The Soils of Japan, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. pp. 69-74.
Kawahigashi, M. 2021. Anthropogenic Soils in Reclaimed Areas. In Hatano, R., Shinjo, H. Takata, Y. Ed. The Soils of Japan, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 255-256.
川東正幸 2020. 土壌のモニタリングとアセスメント.「土壌環境学」, 朝倉書店, pp159-171.
川東正幸 2020. 環境計画に基づく土壌質の改善と管理. 「土壌環境学」, 朝倉書店, pp172-184.
川東正幸・藤嶽暢英 2018. 地球を支える土壌の機能.木村眞人・南條正巳編『土壌サイエンス入門 第2版』文永堂出版: 229-238.
Kawahigashi M. 2018. Soils on ski slopes. In In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 25-31. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.
Kawahigashi M., Shinagawa S. and Ishii K. 2018. Soils in reclaimed land after drainage in Isahaya Bay. In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 135-145. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.
Kawahigashi M. 2018. Soils affected by conversion of abandoned paddy fields to alternate uses. In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 177-186. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.8.
Nishikura, S. Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Effect of particle size distribution of sediments on development of polder soils in Japan. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-024-03831-9
Battulga, B., Munkhbat, D., Matsueda, M., Atarashi-Andoh, M., Bolormaa O., Koarashi, J., Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Uncovering the characteristics of plastic-associated biofilm from the inland river system of Mongolia. Environmental Pollution 357 124427.
Nishikura, S. and Kawahigashi, M. 2024. Soils in polders characterized by the formation of secondary iron oxides. Geographical reports of Tokyo metropolitan university 59: 143–150.
Nishikura S. Kawahigashi M. 2023. Effects of microtopography on soil development of the conserved area in the Isahaya Bay polder
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2023.2196535
Battulga B.,, Bolormaa O. Atarashi-Andoh M., Koarash J.i, Bolormaa O., Kawahigashi M. 2023. Plastic-associated metal(loid)s in the urban river environments of Mongolia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 261, 115110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115100
木田仁廣・川東正幸 2023. 土壌断面調査の実際 6. 造成地の土壌断面調査の実際. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 94: 131-134.
森下瑞貴・川東正幸 2023. 土壌断面調査の実際 5. 泥炭地・湿地における土壌断面調査の実際. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 94: 49-53.
Charzinski P. Kawahigashi M., 他45名(18番目)A global perspective on soil science education at third educational level; knowledge, practice, skills and challenges. Geoderma, 425: 116053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116053
Battulga B., Kawahigashi M., Bolormaa O. 2022 Characterization of biofilms formed on polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) on the shore of the Tuul River, Mongolia. Environmental Research, 212, 113329
Srisomkiew, S., Kawahigashi, M., Limtong, P. 2022. Digital soil assessment of soil fertility for Thai jasmine rice in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma, 409: 115597. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115597
川東正幸2021 永久凍土分布域の土壌にみる環境変化.学術の動向, 27:44-48.
森下瑞貴・木田仁廣・川東正幸 2021.日本に分布する有機質土を構成する泥炭物質の新分類案-北海道における分析値を基に-.日本土壌肥料科学雑誌 92(3): 225-237.http://doi.org/10.20710/dojo.92.3_225
Kida, K., Ibori, Y., Kawahigashi, M. 2021. Impact of farmland reclamation on soil distribution in Japan: the case of Andosols in Nagano Prefecture. Journal of Soils and Sediments in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02816-8
Ono, K., Noguchi, H., Noguchi, K., Imaya, A., Ugawa, Y., Komoriya, A., Tachibana, R., Murakami, H., Kida, K., Kawahigashi, K. 2021. Soil hardness regulates the root penetration by trees planted on anthropogenic growing bases in coastal forests in Japan: new endeavors to reforest the coastal disaster prevention forests with high resilience for tsunami. Journal of Soils and Sediments in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02788-9
Srisomkiew, S., Kawahigashi, M., Limtong, P. 2021. Digital mapping of soil chemical properties with limited data in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma, 389C: 114942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.114942
Battulga, B., Kawahigashi, M., Oyuntsetseg, B. 2020. Behavior and distribution of polystyrene foams on the shore of Tuul River in Mongolia. Environmental Pollution. 260: 113979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113979.
Batdulam, B., Bolormaa, O. and Kawahigashi, M. 2019. Distribution and composition of plastic debris along the river shore in the Selenga River Basin in Mongolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04632-1
Morishita, M. and Kawahigashi, M. 2018. Controlling factors for the distribution of sapric peat soils extracted by GIS analysis. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 65: 65-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2018.1544833
木田仁廣,川東正幸 2018. 人工物質の影響を受けた土壌分類上取り扱い―日本 の 土壌分類体系とoil Taxonomy及び世界土壌照合基準の比較―.Pedologist, 52, 14-25.
Kida, M., Orgilbold, M., Bolormaa O., Khakhinov, V.V., Kawahigashi, M. and Fujitake, N. 2018. Dissolved organic matter distribution and its association with colloidal aluminum and iron in the Selenga River Basin from Ulaanbaatar to Lake Baikal. Environmental Science and Pollution 25: 1-10.
Kawahigashi, M. and Kajiwara, T. 2023. Reforestation of Sandy Soils in the Tohoku Sea Coast of Japan. Ed. Alfred E. Hartemink and Jingyi Huang In Sandy Soils, pp. 191-200. Springer Nature Switzerland.
川東正幸 2021. オーストラリアの大規模森林火災.漆原和子・藤塚吉浩・松山洋・大西宏治共編, 図説 世界の地域問題 100., pp144-149. ナカニシヤ出版
川東正幸 2020. 里山と都市の土壌.「土壌学概論」, 朝倉書店, pp144-149.
Kawahigashi, M., Kida, K. 2021. Human-made soils. In Hatano, R., Shinjo, H. Takata, Y. Ed. The Soils of Japan, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. pp. 69-74.
Kawahigashi, M. 2021. Anthropogenic Soils in Reclaimed Areas. In Hatano, R., Shinjo, H. Takata, Y. Ed. The Soils of Japan, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 255-256.
川東正幸 2020. 土壌のモニタリングとアセスメント.「土壌環境学」, 朝倉書店, pp159-171.
川東正幸 2020. 環境計画に基づく土壌質の改善と管理. 「土壌環境学」, 朝倉書店, pp172-184.
川東正幸・藤嶽暢英 2018. 地球を支える土壌の機能.木村眞人・南條正巳編『土壌サイエンス入門 第2版』文永堂出版: 229-238.
Kawahigashi M. 2018. Soils on ski slopes. In In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 25-31. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.
Kawahigashi M., Shinagawa S. and Ishii K. 2018. Soils in reclaimed land after drainage in Isahaya Bay. In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 135-145. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.
Kawahigashi M. 2018. Soils affected by conversion of abandoned paddy fields to alternate uses. In Anthropogenic Soils in Japan, ed. Watanabe M. and Kawahigashi M., 177-186. AJG library 9, Springer Nature Singapole Pte Ltd.8.
Soils of Urban Industry, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, Poster Award, (2019)
Soils of Urban Industry, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, Poster Award, (2019)
Humic Substance Research編集委員
SUITMA12 Scientific Committee Member
日本大学 「土壌生産化学」
Humic Substance Research編集委員
SUITMA12 Scientific Committee Member
日本大学 「土壌生産化学」
- 地理環境科学序説
- 環境地理学
- 地理環境科学実習II
- 地理環境科学調査法III
- 地理環境科学特殊講義Ⅲ
- 土壌学
- 地理環境科学第一基礎セミナーⅢ
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- 地理環境科学序説
- 環境地理学
- 地理環境科学実習II
- 地理環境科学調査法III
- 地理環境科学特殊講義Ⅲ
- 土壌学
- 地理環境科学第一基礎セミナーⅢ
- 地理環境科学第一専門セミナーⅢ
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- 都市環境科学特別講義第2
- 地理環境科学特論Ⅲ
- 地理環境科学演習Ⅴ(環境地理)
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- 地理環境科学演習Ⅷ(環境地理)
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- 地理環境科学演習Ⅹ(環境地理)
- 地理環境科学演習Ⅴ(環境地理)
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- 地理環境科学演習Ⅶ(環境地理)
- 自然災害と社会
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火、水 16:20-17:50