FUKAYA Tomohiro
深谷 友宏 フカヤ トモヒロ ふかや ともひろ
coarse Baum-Connes conjecture, geometric group theory, hyperbolic groups,
[12] Coarse compactifications and controlled products (with S.Oguni and T.Yamauchi), to appear in Journal of Topology and Analysis.
[11] A coarse Cartan-Hadamard theorem with application to the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and AnalysisVol. 12, No. 03, pp. 857-895 (2020), DOI:10.1142/S1793525319500675
[10] Coronae of relatively hyperbolic groups and coarse cohomologies (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and Analysis,1 September 2015, DOI: 10.1142/S1793525316500151
[9] Coronae of product spaces and the Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture (with S.Oguni), Advances in Mathematics, volume 279, 16 July 2015, Pages 201?233
[8] The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for Busemann non-positively curved spaces (with S.Oguni), to appear in Kyoto Journal of Mathematics.
[7] Growth of Critical Points in One-Dimensional Lattice Systems (with M.ASAOKA, K.MITSUI, M.TSUKAMOTO), to appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. Preprint
[6] Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for relatively hyperbolic groups (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2012), 99-113.
[5] Euclidean cones of Sublinear Higson coronae, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 36, Number 1 (2012), 67-77.
[4] Remark on dynamical Morse inequality (with M.Asaoka and M.Tsukamoto), Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. Vol. 87, No. 9 (2011), 178-182.
[3] Coarse dynamics and fixed point property, Nagoya Mathematical Journal. Vol. 202 (2011), 1-13 DOI 10.1215/00277630-1260414
[2] Asymptotic distribution of critical values, (with M.Tsukamoto), Geometriae Dedicata Vol. 143, No. 1(2009)
[1] Application of Gr"{o}bner Bases to the Cup-Length of Oriented Grassmann Manifolds, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 10 (2008), No. 2, pp.195-209.
[11] A coarse Cartan-Hadamard theorem with application to the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and AnalysisVol. 12, No. 03, pp. 857-895 (2020), DOI:10.1142/S1793525319500675
[10] Coronae of relatively hyperbolic groups and coarse cohomologies (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and Analysis,1 September 2015, DOI: 10.1142/S1793525316500151
[9] Coronae of product spaces and the Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture (with S.Oguni), Advances in Mathematics, volume 279, 16 July 2015, Pages 201?233
[8] The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for Busemann non-positively curved spaces (with S.Oguni), to appear in Kyoto Journal of Mathematics.
[7] Growth of Critical Points in One-Dimensional Lattice Systems (with M.ASAOKA, K.MITSUI, M.TSUKAMOTO), to appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. Preprint
[6] Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for relatively hyperbolic groups (with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2012), 99-113.
[5] Euclidean cones of Sublinear Higson coronae, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 36, Number 1 (2012), 67-77.
[4] Remark on dynamical Morse inequality (with M.Asaoka and M.Tsukamoto), Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. Vol. 87, No. 9 (2011), 178-182.
[3] Coarse dynamics and fixed point property, Nagoya Mathematical Journal. Vol. 202 (2011), 1-13 DOI 10.1215/00277630-1260414
[2] Asymptotic distribution of critical values, (with M.Tsukamoto), Geometriae Dedicata Vol. 143, No. 1(2009)
[1] Application of Gr"{o}bner Bases to the Cup-Length of Oriented Grassmann Manifolds, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 10 (2008), No. 2, pp.195-209.
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- 幾何学概論(1)
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- 先端幾何学特論2
- 幾何学特別講義2
- 先端幾何学特別講義2
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