TANAKA Keiichi
田中 敬一 タナカ ケイイチ たなか けいいち
大阪大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程修了 博士(経済学)
Asset pricing theory, Term structure models, Credit risk
Optimal timing for short covering of an illiquid security, (with Tsz-Kin Chung), Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan,58, pp.165-183, 2015
金融・実物資産市場における最適取引戦略, オペレーションズ・リサーチ,60, pp.138-143, 2015
Asymptotic Expansion Formula of Option Price Under Multifactor Heston Model, (with Kazuki Nagashima, Tsz-Kin Chung), Asia-Pacific Financial Markets,21, pp.351-396, 2014
First Passage Time in Real Options Kokyuroku No.1818, Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, 2013
Value Function of Real Options with Regime Switching Kokyuroku No.1802, Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, 2012
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Formulation in Finance, (with Masaaki Kijima), in Methods and Applications of Statistics in Business, Finance, and Management Science, pp.1-22, ed. by N. Balakrishnan, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
Applications of Gram-Charlier Expansion and Bond Moments for Pricing of Interest Rates and Credit Risk, (with Takeshi Yamada and Toshiaki Watanabe), Quantitative Finance, Vol. 10 No.6 pp.645-662, 2010
Yield Spread Options under the DLG model, (with Masaaki Kijima and Tony Wong), in Modelling Interest Rates, ed. by Fabrio Mercurio, RISK book, 2009
A Multi-Quality Model of Interest Rates, (with Masaaki Kijima and Tony Wong), Quantitative Finance, Vol. 9 No.2 pp.133-145, 2009
A Latent Process Model for the Pricing of Corporate Securities, (with Masaaki Kijima, Teruyoshi Suzuki), Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.69 No. 3 pp.439-455, 2009
金融・実物資産市場における最適取引戦略, オペレーションズ・リサーチ,60, pp.138-143, 2015
Asymptotic Expansion Formula of Option Price Under Multifactor Heston Model, (with Kazuki Nagashima, Tsz-Kin Chung), Asia-Pacific Financial Markets,21, pp.351-396, 2014
First Passage Time in Real Options Kokyuroku No.1818, Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, 2013
Value Function of Real Options with Regime Switching Kokyuroku No.1802, Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, 2012
Alternatives to Black-Scholes Formulation in Finance, (with Masaaki Kijima), in Methods and Applications of Statistics in Business, Finance, and Management Science, pp.1-22, ed. by N. Balakrishnan, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
Applications of Gram-Charlier Expansion and Bond Moments for Pricing of Interest Rates and Credit Risk, (with Takeshi Yamada and Toshiaki Watanabe), Quantitative Finance, Vol. 10 No.6 pp.645-662, 2010
Yield Spread Options under the DLG model, (with Masaaki Kijima and Tony Wong), in Modelling Interest Rates, ed. by Fabrio Mercurio, RISK book, 2009
A Multi-Quality Model of Interest Rates, (with Masaaki Kijima and Tony Wong), Quantitative Finance, Vol. 9 No.2 pp.133-145, 2009
A Latent Process Model for the Pricing of Corporate Securities, (with Masaaki Kijima, Teruyoshi Suzuki), Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.69 No. 3 pp.439-455, 2009
日本ファイナンス学会, JAFEE, 日本経済学会, 日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会
- 金融経済学
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- 金融経済学
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- 金融経済学特殊演習
- 金融経済学特別研究
- 金融経済学特別演習
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- 特別研究(田中)
- 特別研究(田中)
- 特別研究(田中)
- 金融経済学特殊研究
- 金融経済学特殊研究
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