鈴木 登志雄 スズキ トシオ すずき としお
『ろんりの相談室 大学1年生の真理値表と体系』,日本評論社 (2021).
『例題で学ぶ集合と論理』,森北出版 (2016).
『論理リテラシー』,培風館 (2009).
『ゲーデルと20世紀の論理学 (1)』,東京大学出版会 (2006,田中一之,田中尚夫ほかと共著).
『数学のロジックと集合論』, 培風館 (2003,田中一之と共著).
"Solovay reducibility and continuity", Journal of Logic and Analysis, 12:2, pp.1-22 (2020) (with M. Kumabe, K. Miyabe, and Y. Mizusawa).
"Independent distributions on a multi-branching AND-OR tree of height 2," Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, pp. 274--282 (2020) (with M. Shigemizu, K. Usami).
"Communication interruption between a game tree and its leaves," In: "Transactions on Engineering Technologies", Springer, 2020, pp.182-193.
"Non-depth-first search against independent distributions on an AND-OR tree," Information Processing Letters, 139, pp.13--17 (2018).
"Visualization of set inclusion with gloves," Proceedings of International Workshop on Set Visualization and Reasoning (SetVR 2018) co-located with 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagrams 2018) Edinburgh, UK, June 18, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2116, pp. 68-75 (2018)
"Kazuyuki Tanaka's work on AND-OR trees and subsequent developments," Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 25, pp.79--88 (2017).
"A solution to Yamakami's problem on non-uniform context-free languages," IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 46 Issue 2, pp.187-193 (2016).
"Equilibrium points of an AND-OR tree: Under constraints on probability", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 166, pp. 1150--1164 (2015) (with Y. Niida).
"Resource-bounded randomness and computable Dowd-type generic sets", Information and Computation 242, pp. 227--248 (2015) (with M. Kumabe).
"Geometrical redundancy of street patterns based on threshold of isoperimetric ratio," In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences: Special Issue of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2013 and World Congress on Engineering 2013, CRC Press (Leiden, The Netherlands), 2014, pp.91-100. ISBN971-1-138-00136-7 (with Yuji Hatakeyama).
"The eigen distribution of an AND-OR tree under directional algorithms" , IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 42(2), pp.122-128 (2012) (with Ryota Nakamura).
"Computable Dowd-type generic oracles", In: "Proceedings of the 11th Asian Logic Conference", World Scientific (Sigapore), 2011, pp.128--146. ISBN978-981-4360-53-1. (with M. Kumabe).
"Weak randomness, genericity and Boolean decision trees", In: T. Arai et al. eds., "Proceedings of the 10th Asian Logic Conference", World Scientific (Sigapore), 2010, pp.322--344. ISBN978-981-4293-01-3 (with M. Kumabe).
"Does truth-table of linear norm reduce the one-query tautologies to a random oracle?", Archive for Mathematical Logic 47, pp. 159--180 (2008) (with M. Kumabe and T. Yamazaki).
"Resource bounded immunity and simplicity",Theoretical Computer Science 347, pp. 90-129 (2005) (with T. Yamakami).
"Bounded truth table does not reduce the one-query tautologies to a random oracle", Archive for Mathematical Logic 44, pp. 751--762 (2005).
"Degrees of Dowd-type generic oracles", Information and Computation 176, pp. 66--87 (2002).
"Forcing complexity: minimum sizes of forcing conditions", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42, pp. 117--120 (2001).
"Complexity of the r-query tautologies in the presence of a generic oracle," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 41, pp. 142--151 (2000).
"Recognizing tautology by a deterministic algorithm whose while-loop's execution time is bounded by forcing," Kobe Journal of Mathematics 15, pp. 91--102 (1998).
"About splitting numbers," Proceedings of the Japan Academy 74 A, pp. 33--35 (1998).
"Witnessing numbers of Shelah cardinals," Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39, pp. 62--66 (1993).
『例題で学ぶ集合と論理』,森北出版 (2016).
『論理リテラシー』,培風館 (2009).
『ゲーデルと20世紀の論理学 (1)』,東京大学出版会 (2006,田中一之,田中尚夫ほかと共著).
『数学のロジックと集合論』, 培風館 (2003,田中一之と共著).
"Solovay reducibility and continuity", Journal of Logic and Analysis, 12:2, pp.1-22 (2020) (with M. Kumabe, K. Miyabe, and Y. Mizusawa).
"Independent distributions on a multi-branching AND-OR tree of height 2," Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, pp. 274--282 (2020) (with M. Shigemizu, K. Usami).
"Communication interruption between a game tree and its leaves," In: "Transactions on Engineering Technologies", Springer, 2020, pp.182-193.
"Non-depth-first search against independent distributions on an AND-OR tree," Information Processing Letters, 139, pp.13--17 (2018).
"Visualization of set inclusion with gloves," Proceedings of International Workshop on Set Visualization and Reasoning (SetVR 2018) co-located with 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagrams 2018) Edinburgh, UK, June 18, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2116, pp. 68-75 (2018)
"Kazuyuki Tanaka's work on AND-OR trees and subsequent developments," Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 25, pp.79--88 (2017).
"A solution to Yamakami's problem on non-uniform context-free languages," IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 46 Issue 2, pp.187-193 (2016).
"Equilibrium points of an AND-OR tree: Under constraints on probability", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 166, pp. 1150--1164 (2015) (with Y. Niida).
"Resource-bounded randomness and computable Dowd-type generic sets", Information and Computation 242, pp. 227--248 (2015) (with M. Kumabe).
"Geometrical redundancy of street patterns based on threshold of isoperimetric ratio," In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences: Special Issue of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2013 and World Congress on Engineering 2013, CRC Press (Leiden, The Netherlands), 2014, pp.91-100. ISBN971-1-138-00136-7 (with Yuji Hatakeyama).
"The eigen distribution of an AND-OR tree under directional algorithms" , IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 42(2), pp.122-128 (2012) (with Ryota Nakamura).
"Computable Dowd-type generic oracles", In: "Proceedings of the 11th Asian Logic Conference", World Scientific (Sigapore), 2011, pp.128--146. ISBN978-981-4360-53-1. (with M. Kumabe).
"Weak randomness, genericity and Boolean decision trees", In: T. Arai et al. eds., "Proceedings of the 10th Asian Logic Conference", World Scientific (Sigapore), 2010, pp.322--344. ISBN978-981-4293-01-3 (with M. Kumabe).
"Does truth-table of linear norm reduce the one-query tautologies to a random oracle?", Archive for Mathematical Logic 47, pp. 159--180 (2008) (with M. Kumabe and T. Yamazaki).
"Resource bounded immunity and simplicity",Theoretical Computer Science 347, pp. 90-129 (2005) (with T. Yamakami).
"Bounded truth table does not reduce the one-query tautologies to a random oracle", Archive for Mathematical Logic 44, pp. 751--762 (2005).
"Degrees of Dowd-type generic oracles", Information and Computation 176, pp. 66--87 (2002).
"Forcing complexity: minimum sizes of forcing conditions", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42, pp. 117--120 (2001).
"Complexity of the r-query tautologies in the presence of a generic oracle," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 41, pp. 142--151 (2000).
"Recognizing tautology by a deterministic algorithm whose while-loop's execution time is bounded by forcing," Kobe Journal of Mathematics 15, pp. 91--102 (1998).
"About splitting numbers," Proceedings of the Japan Academy 74 A, pp. 33--35 (1998).
"Witnessing numbers of Shelah cardinals," Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39, pp. 62--66 (1993).
2018年9月, International Association of Engineers より Certificate of Merit for The 2018 IAENG International Conference on Computer Science 受賞.
2012年4月, International Association of Engineers より Best paper award of the 2012 IAENG International Conference on Computer Science 受賞(中村亮太氏と連名).
2012年4月, International Association of Engineers より Best paper award of the 2012 IAENG International Conference on Computer Science 受賞(中村亮太氏と連名).
日本数学会会員(1991-),同学会数学基礎論分科会運営委員(2004-2007),同学会 雑誌「数学」編集委員(2011-2013),同学会評議員(2015年3月-2017年2月).Association for Symbolic Logic 会員(1999-).Association for Computing Machinery 会員(1999-).European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 会員(2005-).日本応用数理学会会員(2006-).International Association of Engineers 会員 (2011-).
2021 オープンユニバーシティー「有限オートマトンと正規文法入門 機械はなぜ文字列を器用に分類できるのか」講師
2018 オープンクラス 高校生のための数学-夏の学校 講演「なぜコンピューターで自然数の足し算をできるのか」講師
2017-2018 学術振興会 科学研究費 審査委員(審査第三部会 第12030小委員会[数学基礎関連])
2017 数学基礎論サマースクール 世話人(代表)、講師
2017 オープンラボ講演「計算可能性理論」講師
2016 進学情報誌『栄冠をめざして 理工・情報・生命・環境系学部特集号2016』KEIアドバンス(2016)に研究室紹介記事が掲載された。
2015 オープンラボ講演「形式言語理論:文法に潜む数理」講師
2014 オープンラボ講演「計算可能性理論」講師
2013 オープンラボ講演「集合論の公理」講師
2012-2015 都立桜修館中等教育学校 学校運営連絡協議会委員
2012 オープンクラス 高校生のための数学-夏の学校 講演「乱択アルゴリズムの数理」講師
2011 オープンラボ講演「数学・情報科学・哲学をまたいで広がるロジックの世界へ」講師
2011 オープンユニバーシティー「日本人のための論理リテラシー」講師
2010 数理情報科学専攻「第五回数理情報科学コロキウム」講師
2006 都市教養学部数理科学コース「高校生のための数学―夏の学校」講師
2018 オープンクラス 高校生のための数学-夏の学校 講演「なぜコンピューターで自然数の足し算をできるのか」講師
2017-2018 学術振興会 科学研究費 審査委員(審査第三部会 第12030小委員会[数学基礎関連])
2017 数学基礎論サマースクール 世話人(代表)、講師
2017 オープンラボ講演「計算可能性理論」講師
2016 進学情報誌『栄冠をめざして 理工・情報・生命・環境系学部特集号2016』KEIアドバンス(2016)に研究室紹介記事が掲載された。
2015 オープンラボ講演「形式言語理論:文法に潜む数理」講師
2014 オープンラボ講演「計算可能性理論」講師
2013 オープンラボ講演「集合論の公理」講師
2012-2015 都立桜修館中等教育学校 学校運営連絡協議会委員
2012 オープンクラス 高校生のための数学-夏の学校 講演「乱択アルゴリズムの数理」講師
2011 オープンラボ講演「数学・情報科学・哲学をまたいで広がるロジックの世界へ」講師
2011 オープンユニバーシティー「日本人のための論理リテラシー」講師
2010 数理情報科学専攻「第五回数理情報科学コロキウム」講師
2006 都市教養学部数理科学コース「高校生のための数学―夏の学校」講師
- 計算の数理I
- 計算の数理II
- 集合と論理
- 応用数理特別講義Ⅰ
- 応用数理概論(1)
- 応用数理特論1
- 先端応用数理特論1
- 組織再編前旧課程の同時開講科目等が含まれており、掲載されている全ての科目を開講するわけではありません。