SAKAI Katsuya

酒井 克也 サカイ カツヤ さかい かつや



東京都立大学健康福祉学部 理学療法学科
人間健康科学研究科 理学療法科学域


東京都立大学 人間健康科学研究科 理学療法科学域(博士)







脳卒中片麻痺患者, 遂行機能障害, 注意障害, 運動イメージ, パーキンソン病, すくみ足


●Sakai K, Kawasaki T, Kiminarita H, Kim K, Ogawa J: Validity, reliability, and the measurement error of the Japanese version of the Freezing of gait questionnaire for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2024.
●Prasomsri J, Sakai K, Ikeda Y: Effectiveness of motor imagery on physical function in patients with stroke: A systematic review. Motor Control, 2024.
●Yoshihiro N, Amimoto K, Osaki S, Tanabe J, Sakai K, Ikeda Y: Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Attention and Brain Activity in Healthy Participants Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: An Interventional Study. Cureus, 2024, 16(4): e57886.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y, Harada Y, Kato Y: Association between the executive dysfunction and balance function in patients with stroke. Brain and Behavior, 2024, 14: e3542.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y, Tanabe J: Intervention and assessment of executive dysfunction in patients with stroke: a scoping review. PLOS ONE, 2024, 19(2): e0298000.
●Sakai K, Kawasaki T, Ikeda Y, Tanabe J, Matsumoto M, Amimoto K: Differences in the early stages of motor learning between visual-motor illusion and action observation. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13: 20054.
●Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Sakai K, Morishita M: Effects of Visual-Motor Illusion via Image Videos Showing Increased Exercise Intensity on the Tibial Anterior during Sit-to-Stand Movement: A Study of Healthy Participants. Neurology international, 2023, 15(4): 1290-1302.
●Hosoi Y, Kamimoto T, Sakai K, Yamada M, Kawakami M: Estimation of minimal detectable change in the 10-meter walking test for patients with stroke -A study stratified by gait speed. Frontiers in Neurology, 2023, 14: 1219505-1219505.
●Sakai K, Kawasaki T, Kiminarita H, Ikeda Y: Longitudinal changes in motor estimation error and motor function in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a case report . Medicines, 2023, 10(7): 42.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y, Harada Y: Walking ability associated with executive dysfunction in patients with stroke: a cross-sectional study. Brain Sciences, 2023, 13(4): 627.
●Kobari T, Murayama T, Matsuzawa K, Sakai K: Effects of a treatment program based on constraint-induced movement therapy on the lower extremities of patients with chronic stroke: A six-month follow-up pilot study. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2023, 46(2): 187-192.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y, Harada Y, Ikeda Y: Estimation error consisting of motor imagery and motor execution in patients with stroke. Journal of Motor Behavior, 2023, 55(4): 435-442.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y, Harada Y, Ikeda Y, Tanabe J: Overestimation associated with walking and balance function in individuals diagnosed with a stroke. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2023, 1-8..
●Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Sakai K, Morishita M, Osaki S, Yoshihiro N, Kataoka T: Effects of visual-motor illusions with different visual stimuli on the sit-to-stand of people with hemiplegia following stroke: A randomized crossover controlled trial. Human Movement Sciences, 2023, 87(4-6): 103021.
●Kumai K, Ikeda I, Sakai K, Goto K, Morikawa K, Shibata K: Comparing brain regions involved in axial and limb muscle contraction. Journal of Asian Rehabilitation Science, 2022, 5(4): 48-54.
●Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Sakai K, Osaki S, Yoshihiro N, Kataoka T: Effects and adaptation of visual-motor illusion using different visual stimuli on improving ankle joint paralysis of stroke survivors - A randomized crossover controlled trial. Brain Sciences, 2022, 12: 1249.
●Kumai K, Ikeda I, Sakai K, Goto K, Morikawa K, Shibata K: Brain and muscle activation patterns during postural control affect static postural control. Gait & Posture, 2022, 96: 102-108.
●Sakai K, Hosoi Y: Relationship between the vividness of motor imagery and physical function in patients with subacute hemiplegic stroke: a cross-sectional preliminary study. Brain Injury, 2022, 36(1): 121-126.
●Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Sakai K, Morishita M, Fukata K, Osaki S, Yoshihiro N: Effects of visual-motor illusion in stroke hemiplegic patients with left-side personal neglect: a report of two cases. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2022, 28: 1-23.
●Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Sakai K, Ozaki S, Yoshihiro N: Effects of kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation on the ankle joint for sit-to-stand in a hemiparesis stroke patient: ABA ' single-case design. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2022, 34(1): 65-70.
●Sakai K, Tanabe J, Goto K, Kumai K, Ikeda Y: Comparison of functional connectivity during visual-motor illusion, observation, and motor execution. Journal of Motor Behavior, 2021, 13: 1-9.
●Sakai K, Goto K, Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Kumai K, Kamio H, Ikeda Y: Effects of visual-motor illusion on functional connectivity during motor imagery. Experimental Brain Research, 2021, 239(7): 2261-2271.
●Okawada M, Kaneko F, Shindo S, Yoneta M, Sakai K, Okuyama K, Akaboshi K, Liu M: Kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation influences sensorimotor event-related desynchronization in stroke patients with severe upper-limb paralysis: A pilot study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2020, 38(6): 455-465.
●Sakai S, Goto K, Watanabe R, Tanabe J, Amimoto K, Kumai K, Shibata K, Morikawa K, Ikeda Y: Immediate effects of visual–motor illusion on resting-state functional connectivity. Brain and Cognition, 2020, 146(105632): 105632-105632.
●酒井克也, 池田由美, 栗田康平, 熊井健: 要介護認定者の2ステップテストを用いた認識誤差と生活空間との関連. 理学療法の科学と研究, 2020, 12(1): 9-13.
●Sakai K, Kawasaki T, Ikeda Y, Tominaga K, Kurihara K: Relationship between motor estimation error and physical function in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Medicines, 2020, 7(8): 43.
●Sakai K, Ikeda Y, Amimoto K, Goto K, Morikawa K, Kumai K: Brain regions activated during visual motor illusion of the ankle joint movement. The Journal of Asian Rehabilitation Science, 2020, 3(2): 17-22.
●Sakai K, Ikeda Y: Clinical assessment of motor imagery and physical function in mild stroke patients. Journal of physical therapy science, 2019, 31(12): 992-996.
●酒井克也, 川崎翼, 池田由美: 足関節運動の視覚誘導性自己運動錯覚が運動イメージに与える影響. 日本保健科学学会誌, 2019, 21(4): 208-214.
●Sakai K, Ikeda Y, Amimoto K: Effect of kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation on ankle dorsiflexion dysfunction in a stroke patient – ABAB single-case design. Neurocase, 2019, 24(5-6): 245-249.
●酒井克也, 池田由美, 山中誠一郎, 野口隆太郎: 視覚誘導性自己運動錯覚が脳卒中片麻痺患者の足関節背屈運動機能障害に与える即時効果の検討. 理学療法科学, 2018, 33(2): 277-280.
●酒井克也, 池田由美, 山中誠一郎, 野口隆太郎: ギランバレー症候群による足関節背屈機能障害に対する視覚誘導性自己運動錯覚の介入効果の検討 ABAシングルケースデザイン. 理学療法科学, 2018, 33(1): 187-190.

●酒井克也: 腱反射・病的反射,ADL評価 PT臨床評価ガイド(編集 畠昌史, 藤野雄次, 松田雅弘, 田屋雅信). 医学書院. 2022.
●酒井克也: 脳卒中 歩行の回復. PT・OT・STのためのエビデンスの基礎知識と診療ガイドライン活用法 (監修 中山健夫). 医歯薬出版株式会社. 2017.

●酒井克也: 運動イメージ 科学的根拠に基づく臨床実践をめざして 運動イメージにかかわる脳内機構. 理学療法ジャーナル, 2022, 56(9): 1032-1038.
●田邉淳平, 網本和, 酒井克也: 臨床に活かすニューロリハビリテーション―Virtual reality. 理学療法ジャーナル, 2022, 56(4): 403-410.
●酒井克也: Close-up 理学療法に活かすモニター技術 fNIRS. 理学療法ジャーナル, 2021, 55(8): 894-898.
●池田由美, 酒井克也: VR技術のリハビリテーションへの応用. 脳神経内科, 2020, 93(1): 1-5.
2019年10月 第11回日本保健科学学会 奨励賞
2019年10月 第29回日本保健科学学会学術集会 学術集会長賞
2018年10月 第28回日本保健科学学会学術集会 学術集会長賞
  • 運動学Ⅰ
  • 運動学実習
  • 神経・筋系理学療法学
  • 総合臨床実習Ⅰ
  • 高次神経機能障害理学療法学
  • 地域理学療法学臨床実習
  • 専門職間連携演習Ⅰ(同時開講:多職種連携Ⅰ)
  • 専門職間連携演習Ⅱ(同時開講:多職種連携Ⅱ・Ⅲ)
  • 多職種連携学習(同時開講:多職種連携Ⅰ)
  • 多職種連携学習(同時開講:多職種連携Ⅱ)
  • 多職種連携学習(同時開講:多職種連携Ⅲ)
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  • 理学療法科学特別研究a
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  • 理学療法科学特別研究b
  • 理学療法科学特別研究a
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  • 理学療法科学特別研究b
  • 組織再編前旧課程の同時開講科目等が含まれており、掲載されている全ての科目を開講するわけではありません。


