KIMURA Chisato

木村 千里 キムラ チサト きむら ちさと



東京都立大学健康福祉学部 看護学科
人間健康科学研究科 看護科学域


東京医科歯科大学博士後期課程 総合保健看護学専攻(リプロダクティブヘルス看護学)

博士(看護学) 東京医科歯科大学









1)増谷順子,木村千里:就業女性のダブルケアのエスノグラフィー 認知症の親のケアと育児における困難と対処行動の様相,日本認知症ケア学会誌,20(2),pp.297-305,2021.
2)Hori M, Yamazaki A, Soeda A, Odatsu K, Murata A, Buyo M, Matsumoto M, Tokutani R, Mine H, Tsumura A, Kimura C , Nakayama Y: The factors associated with the attitudes of nurses working in medical facilities towards family nursing, Open Journal of Nursing, 10, 171-183, 2020.
3)木村千里,山崎あけみ,武用百子,峰 博子,津村明美,菊池良太:多職種・多施設の専門職が家族支援において協働で研鑽する場に必要な要素,大阪大学看護学雑誌,25(1),pp.10-17,2019.
4)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Ikeda M, Azuma T, Hamasaka M, Hirata N: Primary School Sexuality Relationships Education in Japan-A Collaborative, Qualitative Study, International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, 5, 272, 2018.
5)Kimura C, Masuya J.: Significance of nursing students' experiences as health volunteers in communities: A qualitative study. International journal of nursing and clinical practice,2017.
6)Yamazaki A, Tsumura A, Mine H, Kimura C, et al.: Feasibility and short-term impact of the “Case Study in-house Group Training Program for Family Nursing” at medical facilities, International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2016.
8)Kimura C, Ohmori T: Health of women with inflammatory bowel disease: Coping with challenges from pregnancy to child rearing. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 7(3),2015.
10)Kimura C, Matsuoka M.:Changes in breast skin temperature during the course of breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation, 23(1),2007.

1)松岡 恵,大久保功子,塩野悦子,木村千里.(2007):やさしく学ぶ看護学 母性看護学 改訂3版(pp.184-235).
2)吉沢豊予子,山崎あけみ,工藤美子,森 恵美,三隅順子,木村千里 他.(2008):女性看護学 Womens’Health,
  メジカルフレンド社(第Ⅲ章 pp.95-120).
3)小島照子,濱松加寸子,坂上明子,玉里八重子,木村千里 他.(2008):看護系標準教科書 母性看護学,
  オーム社(第10章4節 pp.212-229).
4)小島照子,濱松加寸子,坂上明子,玉里八重子,木村千里 他.(2008):看護系標準教科書 母性看護学,
  オーム社(第12章2節 pp.260-262).

1)Kimura C, Ikeda M, Sonobe M: Health care services necessary for solo mothers in transition to parenthood in Japan: A qualitative exploratory approach, The 25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference, 21-22 April 2022 , Taiwan, 202204.
2)Goto N, Kimura C, Meglitsch A: Problems and requirements for public- private- academic cooperative support for child rearing: A case study, , The 25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference, 21-22 April 2022 , Taiwan, 202204.
3)Hori M, Kikuchi R, Soeda A, Odatsu K, Murata A, Buyo M, Matsumoto M, Tokutani R, Mine H, Tsumura A, Kimura C, Yamazaki A: Nurses’ attitudes towards the importance of fmilies and related factors in Japan's hospitals., The East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars conference, The East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 202001.
4)Yamazaki A, Hori M, Kikuchi R, Soeda A, Odatsu K, Murata A, Buyo M, Matsumoto M, Tokutani R, Mine H, Tsumura A, Kimura C, Nakayama Y: Relationship between the individual characteristics of mid-level Japanese nurses and the families’ importance, 14th International Family Nursing Conference, 201908.
5)Sonobe M, Kimura C, Omori T, Usui M: Nurturance and next generation nurturing capability: Effects of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants―cross-sectional study by three years, The ICN International Congress 2019, Singapore. 201906.
6)Sonobe M, Kimura C, Omori T: Nurturance and next generation nurturing capability: Effects of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants- changes in one year, The 5th International Conference on Advancing the Life Sciences and Public Health Awareness, 201903.
7)Sonobe M, Kimura C, Omori T, Usui M: Effect of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants on nurturance, 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars & 11th International Nursing Conference, 201801.
8)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Ikeda M, Omori T, Nakaizumi R: Falling through the cracks: Insufficiencies in care and support for single mothers in Japan, The 5th International Conference on Advancing the Life Sciences and Public Health Awareness, 201903.
9)Hori M, Kikuchi R, Soeda A, Odatsu K, Murata A, Buyo M, Matsumoto M, Tokutani R, Mine H, Tsumura A, Kimura C, Nakayama Y, Yamazaki A: Nurses' attitudes towards the importance of families and related factors in Japan's hospitals, The 22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 201901.
10)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Ikeda M, Azuma T, Hamasaka M, Hirata N: Interests of the fourth graders in primary school through collaborative sexuality and relationships education - Examination of the differences between boys and girls -, The 2nd Asian Symposium on Health Informatics and Nursing Education, 201804.
11)Sonobe M, Kimura C, Omori T, Usui M: Effect of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants on nurturance, 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars & 11th International Nursing Conference, 201801.
12)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Ikeda M:Breastfeeding Care Competency- Tracking and Analysis of Skill and Experience Acquisition Early in the Careers of Midwives -,MMIRA Asia Regional 2017 / JSMMR2017,201708.
13)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Hirose T:Feasibility study of a support program for mothers and children using Postnatal Promotional Guide (PPG) based home visits: Analysis of qualitative data on program evaluations by mothers and midwives,The 13th International Family Nursing Conference,201706.
14)Kimura C, Sonobe M, Ikeda M, Azuma T, Watanabe M, Hamasaka M, Hirata N:A qualitative study of primary school students' learning through sexuality and relationship education (SRE) program based on collaboration by midwives and school teachers in Japan,The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars,201703.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Tau Nu Chapter,日本公衆衛生看護学会,日本保健医療福祉連携教育学会,日本家族看護学会,日本看護科学学会,日本助産学会,日本母乳哺育学会,日本母性衛生学会,日本保健科学学会
2)東京都立大塚病院 院内研修ジェネラルコース 看護研究指導 (2020.4.―)
3)荒川区 子ども・子育て会議 委員(学術)
4)荒川区 子ども応援ネットワーク 学術メンバー(専門職支援,ボランティア支援,家族支援)
5)荒川区 子育て交流サロン:きらきら子育て交流サロン,ゆいの森子ども広場,ilonaおやこの縁側,ami-ami 子育て交流サロン(母子と家族の支援)
6)荒川区  荒川区子育て支援課 子育て交流サロン(育児支援研修,支援者研修)
7)荒川区 ホームスタートあらかわ ホームビジター(家庭訪問支援員支援者研修)
10)Support for children with special needs: Assessment, treatment and community support for children with school refusal(企画,学生ボランティア養成)
11)足立区 東伊興小学校・花畑小学校 いのちときずなのお話 ・体の変化といのちの始まり(いのちの教育)
12) 認定NPO 法人 長野県みらい基金 長野県松本地域振興局 委託事業 地域でつくる・支える第三の居場所(専門職支援) (2017.11.―)  
13)ファミリーパートナーシップモデルによる周産期の家族の支援(専門職研修の支援 於 東京都立大学)
14)荒川区 社会福祉協議会  ボランティア活動支援(研修)
15)International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practice 編集委員
16)家族看護のケーススタディ研修(専門職研修 企画, 運営参加・支援 於 大阪大学)(2015.9.)
17)荒川区 コミュニティカレッジ(ボランティア研修)
18)荒川区地域文化スポーツ部生涯学習課 家庭教育学級(講座提供)
  • 成長発達看護学演習(母性)
  • 臨地看護学実践実習(母性)
  • 看護病態生理学(周産期学)
  • 成長発達看護学(母性)
  • 臨床薬理学
  • 周産期学
  • 母性看護学概論
  • 家族発達看護学
  • 母性看護学演習
  • 母性看護学実習
  • 看護科学特別研究Ia
  • 看護科学特別研究Ia
  • 看護科学特別研究Ib
  • 看護科学特別研究Ib
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特論
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特論
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特論演習
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特論演習
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特講
  • リプロダクティブヘルス看護学特講演習
  • 組織再編前旧課程の同時開講科目等が含まれており、掲載されている全ての科目を開講するわけではありません。








