歸家 令果 カンヤ レイカ かんや れいか
“Absolute carrier-envelope-phase dependences of single and double ionization of methanol in a near-IR few-cycle laser field,” Q. Zhang, S. Fukahori, T. Ando, R. Kanya, A. Iwasaki, T. Rathje, G. G. Paulus, K. Yamanouchi, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194304-1-11 (2020). DOI: 10.1063/5.0006485
“Femtosecond laser-assisted electron scattering for ultrafast dynamics of atoms and molecules,” Reika Kanya and Kaoru Yamanouchi,
Atoms 7, 85-1-22 (2019). DOI: 10.3390/atoms7030085
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and diffraction for ultrafast imaging of atoms and molecules,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Progress in Photon Science, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 115, 47-52 (2017). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-52431-3_5
“Determination of absolute carrier-envelope phase by angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of Ar by intense circularly polarized few-cycle pulses,” Shinichi Fukahori, Toshiaki Ando, Shun Miura, Reika Kanya, Kaoru Yamanouchi, Tim Rathje, and Gerhard G. Paulus, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 053410-1-14 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.053410
“Numerical simulation of THz-wave assisted electron diffraction for ultrafast molecular imaging,” Reika Kanya and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 033416-1-8 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.033416
“High-order multiphoton laser-assisted elastic electron scattering by Xe in a femtosecond near-infrared intense laser field: Plateau in energy spectra of scattered electrons,” Kakuta Ishida, Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 023414-1-6 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.023414
“レーザーアシステッド電子散乱による光ドレスト原子の観測,” 歸家令果, 森本裕也, 山内 薫, 日本物理学会誌, 71, 623-627 (2016). DOI: 10.11316/butsuri.71.9_623
“Decomposition of cyclohexane ion induced by intense femtosecond laser fields by ion-trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry,” Takao Yamazaki, Yusuke Watanabe, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Phys. Chem., 144, 024313-1-8 (2016). DOI: 10.1063/1.4939769
“Light-dressing effect in laser-assisted elastic electron scattering by Xe,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 123201-1-5 (2015). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.123201
“フェムト秒レーザーパルスによるレーザーアシステッド電子散乱,” 歸家令果, しょうとつ, 12, 64-85 (2015).
“フェムト秒レーザーアシステッド電子散乱,” 歸家令果, 山内 薫, レーザー研究, 43, 159-163 (2015).
“超高速レーザーアシステッド電子回折,” 森本裕也, 歸家令果, 山内 薫, CSJカレントレビュー 18 強光子場の科学,日本化学会 編(化学同人 2015), Chap. 11, pp. 98-102 (total 188 page).
“Laser-assisted electron diffraction for probing femtosecond nuclear dynamics of gas phase molecules,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 162, 188-191 (2015).
“Laser-assisted electron diffraction for femtosecond molecular imaging,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 064201-1-8 (2014).
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and diffraction in ultrashort intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, K. Yamanouchi, G. G. Paulus, and D. Mathur (eds.), Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science X, 1-16, Chap. 1, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 106, (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014).
“Hydrogen scrambling in H3+ generation from ethane induced by ultrashort intense laser fields,” R. Kanya, T. Kudou, N. Schirmel, S. Miura, K.-M. Weitzel, K. Hoshina, and K. Yamanouchi, EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 02034-1-3 (2013).
“Numerical simulations of time-domain interferometric soft X-ray microscope with broadband high-order harmonic light sources,” Reika Kanya, Atsushi Iwasaki, Takahiro Teramoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 071102-1-3 (2013).
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and its application to laser-assisted electron diffraction of molecules in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, K. Yamanouchi and K. Midorikawa (eds.), Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, 351-356, Chap. 58, Springer Proceedings in Physics 125, (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012).
“Hydrogen scrambling in ethane induced by intense laser fields: Statistical analysis of coincidence events,” Reika Kanya, Tatsuya Kudou, Nora Schirmel, Shun Miura, Karl-Michael Weitzel, Kennosuke Hoshina, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Chem. Phys., 136, 204309-1-9 (2012).
“Apparatus for laser-assisted electron scattering in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi,
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82, 123105-1-9 (2011).
“Observation of laser-assisted electron-atom scattering in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 123202-1 – 123202-4 (2010).
“Pendular-state spectroscopy of the S1-S0 electronic transition of 9-cyanoanthracene,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 9489 – 9497 (2004).
“Pendular状態の実効ハミルトニアンの導出と実験的検証,” 歸家令果, 分光研究, 53, 165 – 170 (2004).
“Pendular-limit representation of energy levels and spectra of symmetric- and asymmetric-top molecules,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Physical Review A, 70, 013403-1 – 013403-19 (2004).
“FTMW spectroscopy of jet-cooled 9-cyanoanthracene,” Yasuhiro Ohshima, Reika Kanya, Yoshihiro Sumiyoshi, and Yasuki Endo, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 223, 148 – 151 (2004).
“Electronic spectrum of the anthracene-ammonia complex,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 5, 3851 – 3858 (2003).
“Determination of dipole moment change on the electronic excitation of isolated Coumarin 153 by pendular-state spectroscopy,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Chemical Physics Letters, 370, 211 – 217 (2003).
“Femtosecond laser-assisted electron scattering for ultrafast dynamics of atoms and molecules,” Reika Kanya and Kaoru Yamanouchi,
Atoms 7, 85-1-22 (2019). DOI: 10.3390/atoms7030085
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and diffraction for ultrafast imaging of atoms and molecules,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Progress in Photon Science, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 115, 47-52 (2017). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-52431-3_5
“Determination of absolute carrier-envelope phase by angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of Ar by intense circularly polarized few-cycle pulses,” Shinichi Fukahori, Toshiaki Ando, Shun Miura, Reika Kanya, Kaoru Yamanouchi, Tim Rathje, and Gerhard G. Paulus, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 053410-1-14 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.053410
“Numerical simulation of THz-wave assisted electron diffraction for ultrafast molecular imaging,” Reika Kanya and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 033416-1-8 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.033416
“High-order multiphoton laser-assisted elastic electron scattering by Xe in a femtosecond near-infrared intense laser field: Plateau in energy spectra of scattered electrons,” Kakuta Ishida, Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. A, 95, 023414-1-6 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.023414
“レーザーアシステッド電子散乱による光ドレスト原子の観測,” 歸家令果, 森本裕也, 山内 薫, 日本物理学会誌, 71, 623-627 (2016). DOI: 10.11316/butsuri.71.9_623
“Decomposition of cyclohexane ion induced by intense femtosecond laser fields by ion-trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry,” Takao Yamazaki, Yusuke Watanabe, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Phys. Chem., 144, 024313-1-8 (2016). DOI: 10.1063/1.4939769
“Light-dressing effect in laser-assisted elastic electron scattering by Xe,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 123201-1-5 (2015). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.123201
“フェムト秒レーザーパルスによるレーザーアシステッド電子散乱,” 歸家令果, しょうとつ, 12, 64-85 (2015).
“フェムト秒レーザーアシステッド電子散乱,” 歸家令果, 山内 薫, レーザー研究, 43, 159-163 (2015).
“超高速レーザーアシステッド電子回折,” 森本裕也, 歸家令果, 山内 薫, CSJカレントレビュー 18 強光子場の科学,日本化学会 編(化学同人 2015), Chap. 11, pp. 98-102 (total 188 page).
“Laser-assisted electron diffraction for probing femtosecond nuclear dynamics of gas phase molecules,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 162, 188-191 (2015).
“Laser-assisted electron diffraction for femtosecond molecular imaging,” Yuya Morimoto, Reika Kanya, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 064201-1-8 (2014).
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and diffraction in ultrashort intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, K. Yamanouchi, G. G. Paulus, and D. Mathur (eds.), Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science X, 1-16, Chap. 1, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 106, (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014).
“Hydrogen scrambling in H3+ generation from ethane induced by ultrashort intense laser fields,” R. Kanya, T. Kudou, N. Schirmel, S. Miura, K.-M. Weitzel, K. Hoshina, and K. Yamanouchi, EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 02034-1-3 (2013).
“Numerical simulations of time-domain interferometric soft X-ray microscope with broadband high-order harmonic light sources,” Reika Kanya, Atsushi Iwasaki, Takahiro Teramoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 071102-1-3 (2013).
“Laser-assisted electron scattering and its application to laser-assisted electron diffraction of molecules in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, K. Yamanouchi and K. Midorikawa (eds.), Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, 351-356, Chap. 58, Springer Proceedings in Physics 125, (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012).
“Hydrogen scrambling in ethane induced by intense laser fields: Statistical analysis of coincidence events,” Reika Kanya, Tatsuya Kudou, Nora Schirmel, Shun Miura, Karl-Michael Weitzel, Kennosuke Hoshina, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, J. Chem. Phys., 136, 204309-1-9 (2012).
“Apparatus for laser-assisted electron scattering in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi,
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82, 123105-1-9 (2011).
“Observation of laser-assisted electron-atom scattering in femtosecond intense laser fields,” Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 123202-1 – 123202-4 (2010).
“Pendular-state spectroscopy of the S1-S0 electronic transition of 9-cyanoanthracene,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 9489 – 9497 (2004).
“Pendular状態の実効ハミルトニアンの導出と実験的検証,” 歸家令果, 分光研究, 53, 165 – 170 (2004).
“Pendular-limit representation of energy levels and spectra of symmetric- and asymmetric-top molecules,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Physical Review A, 70, 013403-1 – 013403-19 (2004).
“FTMW spectroscopy of jet-cooled 9-cyanoanthracene,” Yasuhiro Ohshima, Reika Kanya, Yoshihiro Sumiyoshi, and Yasuki Endo, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 223, 148 – 151 (2004).
“Electronic spectrum of the anthracene-ammonia complex,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 5, 3851 – 3858 (2003).
“Determination of dipole moment change on the electronic excitation of isolated Coumarin 153 by pendular-state spectroscopy,” Reika Kanya and Yasuhiro Ohshima, Chemical Physics Letters, 370, 211 – 217 (2003).
2005年5月 日本分光学会 奨励賞 「Pendular状態の実効ハミルトニアンの導出と実験的検証 」
所属学協会: 分子科学会, 原子衝突学会, 強光子場科学研究降雨段階, 日本化学会, 日本物理学会, レーザー学会, 日本分光学会
平成31年-現在:原子衝突学会 運営委員
平成30年-現在:International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Correlation, Polarization and Ionization in Atomic and Molecular Collisions (COPIAMC)
平成30年:日本化学会 代議員
平成29年-30年:原子衝突学会 行事委員
平成31年-現在:原子衝突学会 運営委員
平成30年-現在:International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Correlation, Polarization and Ionization in Atomic and Molecular Collisions (COPIAMC)
平成30年:日本化学会 代議員
平成29年-30年:原子衝突学会 行事委員
平成28年-現在:文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術動向研究センター 専門調査員
東京大学 高校生のための冬休み講座2019(2019年12月25日)講師「最先端実験で探る分子の“かたち”と“動き”」
東京大学 高校生のための冬休み講座2019(2019年12月25日)講師「最先端実験で探る分子の“かたち”と“動き”」
- 一般化学II a
- 構造物理化学
- 量子化学II
- 反応物理化学
- 化学セミナー
- 物理化学特別講義II(化学特論V分子物性化学)
- 物理化学特別講義II(化学特論V分子物性化学)
- 化学特別セミナーI
- 化学特別セミナーII
- 化学特別セミナーIII
- 化学特別セミナーIV
- 化学特別セミナーII
- 化学特別セミナーI
- 化学特別セミナーIV
- 化学特別セミナーIII
- 量子物質理工学ゼミナール
- 研究室インターンシップ(量子物質理工学)
- 研究室インターンシップ(量子物質理工学)
- 組織再編前旧課程の同時開講科目等が含まれており、掲載されている全ての科目を開講するわけではありません。