
SVADLENKA Karel シュワドレンカ カレル しゅわどれんか かれる



東京都立大学理学部 数理科学科
理学研究科 数理科学専攻


Charles University in Prague・PhD (mathematics) (2008年10月)









1. S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, E. Ginder: Variational Approach to Hyperbolic Free Boundary Problems,SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, 2022.
2. 京大式サイエンスの創り方:狙ってもできないことがある,共著,編者: 京都大学大学院理学研究科MACS教育プログラム実行委員会,京都大学学術出版会,ISBN :978-4-8140-0408-9, 2022.

1. M. Feistauer, K. Najzar, K. Svadlenka: On a parabolic problem with nonlinear Newton boundary conditions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 429-455, 2002.
2. M. Feistauer, K. Svadlenka: Discontinuous Galerkin method of lines for solving nonstationary singularly perturbed linear problems, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 97-117, 2004.
3. H. Yoshiuchi, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, K. Ohara: Numerical solution of film vibration with obstacle, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 33-43, 2006.
4. T. Yamazaki, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, K. Ohara: Construction of approximate solution to a hyperbolic free boundary problem with volume constraint and its numerical computation, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 57-67, 2006.
5. M. Feistauer, J. Hájek, K. Svadlenka: Space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for solving nonstationary convection-diffusion-reaction problems, Applications of Mathematics, Praha, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 197-233, 2007.
6. K. Svadlenka, S. Omata: Construction of solutions to heat-type problems with volume constraint via the discrete Morse flow, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 261-285, 2007.
7. K. Svadlenka: A new numerical model for propagation of tsunami waves, Kybernetika, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 893-902, 2007.
8. K. Ito, M. Kazama, H. Nakagawa, K. Svadlenka: Numerical solution of a volume-constrained free boundary problem by the discrete Morse flow method, Gakuto International Series, Mathematical Sciences and Application, Vol. 29, pp. 383-398, 2008.
9. K. Svadlenka, S. Omata: Mathematical modelling of surface vibration with volume constraint and its analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 3202-3212, 2008.
10. K. Svadlenka, S. Omata: Modelling and analysis of droplet motion on a plane, COE Lecture Note, Vol. 14, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University, pp. 60-71, 2008.
11. E. Ginder, K. Svadlenka: A variational approach to a constrained hyperbolic free boundary problem, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 71, No. 12, pp. 1527-1537, 2009.
12. K. Svadlenka, S. Omata: Mathematical analysis of a constrained parabolic free boundary problem describing droplet motion on a surface, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 2073-2102, 2009.
13. S. Omata, M. Kazama, K. Svadlenka: Numerical computation of coupled problems comprising elastic membrane, Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 697-700, 2010.
14. E. Ginder, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka: A variational method for diffusion-generated area preserving interface motion, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 60, pp. 265-270, 2011.
15. E. Ginder, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka: Numerical computation of volume preserving multiphase mean curvature flow, Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES, Vol. 16, 2011.
16. E. Ginder, K. Svadlenka: The discrete Morse flow for volume-constrained membrane motions, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 205-223, 2012.
17. R. Z. Mohammad, K. Svadlenka: Diffusion-generated volume-preserving motions: A comparison of MBO-variant algorithms, Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES, Vol. 17, 2012.
18. M. Kazama, S. Omata, T. Nagasawa, A. Kikuta, K. Svadlenka: A global model for impact of elastic shells and its numerical implementation, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 93-108, 2013.
19. K. Svadlenka, E. Ginder, S. Omata: A variational method for multiphase volume-preserving interface motions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 257, pp. 157-179, 2014.
20. N. Shofianah, R.Z. Mohammad, K. Svadlenka: On a numerical method for the simulation of contact angle dynamics, Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES, Vol. 19, 2014.
21. E. Ginder, K. Svadlenka: On an algorithm for curvature-dependent interfacial acceleration, Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES, Vol. 19, 2014.
22. Nur Shofianah, R.Z. Mohammad, K. Svadlenka: Simulation of triple junction motion with arbitrary surface tensions, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 235-244, 2015.
23. R.Z. Mohammad, K. Svadlenka: Multiphase volume-preserving interface motions via localized signed distance vector scheme, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 969-988, 2015.
24. R.Z. Mohammad, K. Svadlenka: On a penalization method for an evolutionary free boundary problem with volume constraint, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 85-101, 2014.
25. K. Svadlenka: 曲率による界面運動の数値解法の一般化,計算工学講演会論文集 Vol. 20, 2015.
26. E. Ginder, K. Svadlenka: Wave-type threshold dynamics and the hyperbolic mean curvature flow, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 501-523, 2016.
27. Nur Shofianah, K. Svadlenka, R.Z. Mohammad: Numerical method for the simulation of contact angle dynamics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1913:1, 2017.
28. S. Gavhale, K. Svadlenka: Dewetting dynamics of anisotropic particles – a level set numerical approach, Applications of Mathematics 67(5), pp. 543-571, 2022.
29. Y. Akagawa, E. Ginder, S. Koide, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka: A Crank-Nicolson type minimization scheme for a hyperbolic free boundary problem, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 2661-2681, 2022.
30. R.Z. Mohammad, H. Murakawa, K. Svadlenka, H. Togashi: A numerical algorithm for modeling cellular rearrangements in tissue morphogenesis, Communications Biology, Vol. 5, Article No. 239, 2022.
31. D. Drozdenko, M. Knapek, M. Kruzik, K. Mathis, K. Svadlenka, J. Valdman: Elastoplastic deformations of layered structure, Milan Journal of Mathematics 90, pp. 691-706, 2022.
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