Wu Lingling

WU Lingling ウ リンリン う りんりん



東京都立大学都市環境学部 観光科学科
都市環境科学研究科 観光科学域


博士 広島大学


Behavioral economics, Tourism marketing



Utilize big data to understand tourist behavior and improve tourism marketing
Understand the influence of technology development on the tourist behavior
Develop innovative marketing tools by utilizing recent technology


Behavioral economics, Tourism marketing, Integrated tourist behavior modeling, Big data analysis in tourism.



Journal Publications
Lingling WU, and Tetsuo SHIMIZU. (2022). Analysis of the impact of non-compulsory measures on human mobility in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities (in press).

Nagi MEDAI, Lingling WU. (2022). A study of determinants that affect the intention to participate in online tours and the role of constraints under COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism (in press).

Lingling WU, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Hong T. A. NGUYEN, Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2021). Analysis of post-disaster population movement by using mobile spatial statistics. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 54, 102047.

Lingling WU, and Tetsuo SHIMIZU. (2020). Analyzing dynamic change of tourism destination image under the occurrence of a natural disaster: Evidence from Japan. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(16), 2042-2058.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Qingchang LU, and ABM Sertajur RAHMAN. (2017). Tourist Adaptation Behavior in Response to Climate Disasters in Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(2), 217-233.

Qingchang LU, Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU, and ABM Sertajur RAHMAN. (2016). Job and residential location changes responding to floods and cyclones: An analysis based on a cross-nested logit model. Climatic Change, 138, 453-469.

Lingling WU, and Gabby WALTERS. (2016). Chinese Travel Behavior in response to disastrous events: The Case of the Japan Earthquake. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12, 216-231.

Takeshi KURIHARA, Lingling WU. (2015). The Impact of High Speed Rail on Tourism Development: A case study of Japan. The Open Transportation Journal, 10, 35-44.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2013). TOURISM PARTICIPATION AND EXPENDITURE BEHAVIOR: Analysis using a Scobit-Based Discrete-Continuous Choice Model. Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 1-17.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Makoto CHIKARAISHI. (2013). Representing the Influence of Multiple Social Interactions on Monthly Tourism Participation Behavior. Tourism Management, 36, 480-489.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2012). Dynamic analysis of Japanese tourists’ three stage choices: Tourism participation, destination choice and travel mode choice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2322, 91-101.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, and Makoto CHIKARAISHI. (2012). Analysis of tourism generation incorporating the influence of constraints based on a Scobit model. Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 2, 19-33.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2012). A tourist’s multi-destination choice model with future dependency. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(2), 121-132.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2011). Representing tourist’s time use behavior based on a multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 9, 796-809.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2011). Representing tourists’ heterogeneous choices of destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model. Tourism Management, 32(6), 1407-1413.

Book Chapters
Linghan ZHANG, Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG. (2016). Life-oriented Tourism Behavior Research. In “Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy”, edited by Junyi ZHANG, Springer.

Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU. (2015). 観光から見た生活行動, in “市民生活行動学”, edited by Junyi ZHANG, 土木学会.

Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, and Akimasa FUJIWARA. (2013). Tourist behavior analysis for tourism policy, in “Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia”, edited by Akimasa FUJIWAR and Junyi ZHANG, Springer.
Travel and Tourism Research Association
Asia Pacific Tourism Association
Transportation Research Board
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
The Japan Society of Transportation Economics
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