YI Shuangqin
易 勤 イ ツトム い つとむ
易 勤、竹内京子:消化管の組織構造.スンクスの生物学.P116〜124.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:肝臓と膵臓の組織構造.スンクスの生物学.P132〜136.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:消化器系の自律神経.スンクスの生物学.P200〜203.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:膵臓の内分泌部.スンクスの生物学.P211〜213.学会出版センター.2011
中村恒夫、易 勤、尾﨑紀之:スンクスの直腸脱出の習性.スンクスの生物学.P307〜309.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤: 第Ⅵ部 上肢. Essential 解剖学テキスト&アトラス, 中野隆監訳,南江堂,pp233-300, 2015.
易 勤:第Ⅵ部 上肢. プロメテウス解剖学 エッセンシャル テキスト, 中野隆監訳,医学書院,pp257-324, 2019.
Dai Y, Ren K, Terayama H, Miwa Y, Sato I, Yi SQ. The distribution of nerves supplying of the testis, epididymis and accessory sex glands of Suncus murinus. Anat Sci Int. 2019 Jan;94(1):128-135. doi: 10.1007/s12565-018-0459-5. Epub 2018 Sep 11.
木田雅彦、藤原基、Ke Ren、易 勤。胎仔ブタの胸鎖乳突筋と僧帽筋について ―胸鎖乳突筋僧帽筋複合体は外斜筋系である―.形態科学 21(2):83-88,2018
Ren K, Yi K, Dai Y, Fujiwara M, Ohta T, Terayama H, Sakabe K, Yi SQ. Inhibitory effects of valproic acid in oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy in rat model. J Gastroenterol Hepatol Res 2017; 6(6): 2461-2469. Available from: URL: http://www.ghrnet.org/index.php/joghr/article/view/2157
Ren K, Dai Y, Yi K, Kinoshita M, Itoh M, Sakata I, Skai T, Yi SQ. Using a Whole-mount immunohistochemical method to study the innervation of the biliary tract in Suncus murinus. J Vis Exp (), e55483, doi:10.3791/55483 (2017).
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Tanaka O, Kanazawa T, Suyama K, Kosemura N, Tetsu S, Yamazaki H, Sakamoto R, Kawakami S, Suzuki T, Sakabe K. Common and separate origins of the left and right inferior phrenic artery with a review of the literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2017 Mar 10. doi: 10.5603/FM.a2017.0025. [Epub ahead of print]
岸和田昌之,易 勤,伊佐地秀司。膵癌取扱い規約第7版の解説と主な変更点:外科の立場から。膵臓 31 (6): 791-798, 2016
永川 裕一,易 勤,細川勇一,佐原八束,瀧下智恵,土田明彦。膵頭部癌手術に必要な外科解剖。消化器外科39 (7): 1059-1070, 2016
易 勤、佐藤 厳、三輪 容子、Ren K、Dai YD、木下 正信、永川 裕一、土田 明彦. 膵頭神経叢の分布形態の再検討. 胆膵の病態生理32: 1-4, 2016.
Ren K, Kinoshita M, Dai Y, Wang H, Yi K, Itoh M, Yi SQ. A new model for localized pancreatitis, ventral pancreatic duct ligation in the adult house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Academia J Biotechnol 2016; 4(2): 055-061, DOI: 10.15413/ajb.2015.0242、ISSN 2315-7747. c2016 Academia Publishing)
Yi SQ, Ren K, Kinoshita M, Takano N, Itoh M, Ozaki N. Innervation of extrahepatic biliary tract, with special reference to the direct bidirectional neural connections of the gallbladder, sphincter of Oddi and duodenum in Suncus murinus, in whole-mount immunohistochemical study. Anat Histol Embryol. 2016 Jun; 45(3):184-8. doi: 10.1111/ahe.12186. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Shoji S, Tanaka O, Kanazawa T, Kosemura N, Tamura M, Sekiguchi M, Naito M, Akamatsu T, Sakabe K. Anomalous connection of the left posterior renal vein with the left ascending lumbar vein in a Japanese cadaver. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2015;74(4):544-7. doi: 10.5603/FM.2015.0121.
永川裕一,細川勇一,佐原八束,瀧下智恵,中島哲史,土方陽介,笠原健大,粕谷和彦,易 勤,土田明彦。適切な神経叢郭清を併施する膵頭部癌根治術。消化器外科38 (1): 15-24, 2015
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Hirai S, Qu N, Naito M, Hatayama N, Kawata S, Itoh M.Gross anatomical study of bilateral megaureters associated with renal pelvis dilatation and a giant urinary bladder: an adult cadaver with a brief review of the literature. Anat Sci Int. 88: 171-174, 2013.
Yi SQ, Ueno Y, Naito M, Ozaki N, Itoh M. The three most common variations of the left renal vein. A review and meta-analysis. Surg Radiol Anat 34: 799-804, 2012.
易 勤,太田哲生,尾﨑紀之。【肝胆膵の外科解剖】 膵頭部の神経解剖. 胆と膵 Vol.32 臨時増刊特大号1157-1162,2011.
易 勤,太田哲生,尾﨑紀之。【肝胆膵の外科解剖】 胆嚢の神経支配.胆と膵 Vol.32 臨時増刊特大号1129-1134,2011.
Hayashi K, Ozaki N, Kawakita K, Itoh K, Mizumura K, Furukawa K, Yasui M, Hori K, Yi SQ, Yamaguchi T, Sugiura Y. Involvement of NGF in the rat model of persistent muscle pain associated with taut band. J Pain 12: 1059-1068, 2011.
Yi SQ, Li J, Yamaguchi T, Hori K, Hayashi K, Itoh M, Ozaki N. Immunolocalization of the PP family and its receptors in the gastrointestinal tract of house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 32: 212-219, 2011.
Naito M, Hirai S, Terayama H, Qu N, Yi SQ, Miyaki T, Itoh M. Multiple renal vessels associated with testicular vessels. Surg Radiol Anat. 33: 637-639, 2011.
Naito M, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Hirai S, Qu N, Itoh M. A left testicular artery arising from a middle mesenteric artery. Clin Anat. 24: 266-267, 2011.
Li J, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Yi N, Ogawa Y, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Immunolocalization of ghrelin in the stomach of Sprague-Dawley rat. Anat Histol Embryol 40: 95-99, 2011.
Kurihara M, Qu N, Baik Hwan CHO, Kitaoka M, Ogawa Y, Yi SQ, Moriyama H, Hannno S, Murakami G, Itoh M. Histological development of human testicular cords from 70 to 90 days of gestation. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 87: 103-108, 2010.
寺山隼人、内藤宗和、平井宗一、曲 寧、小川夕輝、中村陽市、高篠智、易 勤、森山浩志、宮木孝昌、伊藤正裕.少人数で進める能動的体験医学としての基礎医学実習の維持.―基礎系教育時間短縮化の時代の中で―.形態科学 13: 47-53, 2010.
Iimura A, Oguchi T, Yamazaki Y, Matsuo M, Yi SQ, Itoh M, Takahashi T. Anomalous bifurcation and island formation of the carotid artery. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 86: 121-128, 2010.
Wang HX, Yi SQ, Li J, Terayama H, Naito H, Hirai S, Qu N, Yi N, Itoh M. Effects of splenectomy on spontaneously chronic pancreatitis in aly/aly mice. Clin Dev Immunol 2010. 2010:614890. Epub 2010 Mar 30.
Yi SQ, Itoh M. A unique variation of the pudendal nerve. Clin Anat 23: 907-908, 2010.
Li J, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Qu N, Wang HX, Yi N, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Distribution of ghrelin cells in stomach and the effect of ghrelin intraperitoneal administration in house musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Neuroendocrinol Lett 31: 406-412, 2010.
Yi N, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Ogawa Y, Ohta T, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery running between the dorsal and ventral pancreas: morphological and embryological viewpoint. Open Anat J 2: 91-97, 2010.
易 勤.上腹部消化器官の自律神経支配―臨床解剖の視点からの解析―.十全医学会雑誌 119: 2-6, 2010.
Yi SQ, Li J, Qu N, Wang HX, Itoh M, Yamaguchi T, Oda S, Ozaki N. House musk shrew, Suncus murinus: a novel and natural obesity-resistant animal model. Obes Metab 6: 22-28, 2010.
Yamaguchi T, Yi SQ, Tanaka S, Ono K, Shimada T. Ultrastructure and cytoarchitecture of Bachmann’s bundle in the mammalian heart. J Arrhythmia 25: 24-31, 2009.
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Naito M, Qu N, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Iimura A, Moriyama H, Steinke H, Itoh M. Right gonadal arteries passing dorsally to the inferior vena cava: embryological hypotheses. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 657-661, 2008.
Tokunaga Y, Terayama H, Naito M, Qu N, Hirai S, Ogawa Y, Yi SQ, Itoh M. Splenic cytokines in mice immunized with testicular germ cells. Int J Androl 31: 471-476, 2008.
易 勤,宮木孝昌,伊藤正裕,田中重徳. 全内臓逆位およびその合併奇形 ――Cadaverの自験例と臨床からの報告. 形態科学 11: 93-99, 2008.
易 勤、三輪晃一、萱原正都、北川裕久、太田哲生、田中重徳.Vater乳頭の神経支配――器官温存における神経機能の保存の視点から.胆膵の生理機能 24: 11-14, 2008.
易 勤、三輪晃一、萱原正都、北川裕久、太田哲生、田中重徳.胆嚢の神経支配――胃切除術後胆石症との関連.胆膵の生理機能 24: 49-53, 2008.
Qu N, Terayama H, Naito M, Ogawa Y, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Yi SQ, Itoh M. Caput epididymitis but not orchitis was induced by vasectomy in a murine model of experimental autoimmune orchitis. Reproduction 135: 859-866, 2008.
Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Alimujang S, Yi N, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Absence of the celiac trunk: case report and review of the literature. Clin Anat 21: 283-286, 2008.
Buhe S, Miyaki T, Saito T, Sawuti A, Terayama H, Naito M, Yi SQ, Itoh M. A study of the accessory hepatic vein to segments VI and VII with a morphological reconsideration of the human liver. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 201-207, 2008.
Yi SQ, Li J, Terayama H, Naito M, Iimura A, Itoh M. A rare case of inferior mesenteric artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery, with a review of the review of the literature. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 159-165, 2008.
Nakamura Y, Qu N, Terayama H, Naito M, Yi SQ, Moriyama H, Itoh M. Structure of Thymic Cysts in Congenital Lymph Nodes-lacking Mice. Anat Histol Embryol 37: 126-130, 2008.
Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hayashi S, Moriyama H, Tsuchida A, Itoh M. A common celiacomesenteric trunk, and a brief review of the literature. Ann Anat 189: 482-488, 2007.
Nakamura Y, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Li J, Moriyama H, Tsuchida A, Itoh M. Sequential Histopathology of Pancreatic Tissues in aly/aly Mice. Cells Tissues Organs 186: 204-209, 2007.
Guo CT, Takahashi N, Yagi H, Kato K, Takahashi T, Yi SQ, Chen Y, Ito T, Otsuki K, Kida H, Kawaoka Y, Hidari KI, Miyamoto D, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y. The quail and chicken intestine have sialyl-Gal sugar chains responsible for the binding of influenza A viruses to human type receptors. Glycobiology 17: 713-724, 2007.
Tanaka A, Tanaka S, Miyamoto K, Yi SQ, Nakatani T. Gross anatomical study of the sympathetic cardiac nerves in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Anat Rec 290:468-476, 2007.
Yi SQ, Ohta T, Tsuchida A, Terayama H, Naito M, Li J, Wang HX, Yi N, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Surgical anatomy of innervation of the gallbladder in humans and Suncus murinus with special reference to morphological understanding of gallstone formation after gastrectomy. World J Gastroenterol 13: 2066-2071, 2007.
Miura Y, Naito M, Ablake M, Terayama H, Yi SQ, Qu N, Cheng LX, Suna S, Jitsunari F, Itoh M. Short term effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on testes, liver, kidneys and pancreas in mice. Asian J Androl 9: 199-205, 2007.
Iimura A, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Buhe S, Oguchi T, Takahashi T, Miyaki T, Itoh M. Complete ureteral duplication associated with megaureter and ureteropelvic junction dilatation: report on an adult cadaver case with a brief review of the literature. Ann Anat 188: 371-375, 2006.
Hayashi S, Yi SQ, Miyaki T, Nakamura Y, Terayama H, Naito M, Itoh M. A case of spontaneous splenorenal shunt associated with splenic artery aneurysm. Surg Radiol Anat 28: 311-315, 2006.
Yi SQ, Ru F, Ohta T, Terayama H, Naito M, Hayashi S, Buhe S, Yi N, Miyaki T, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Surgical anatomy of the innervation of pylorus in human and Suncus murinus, in relation to surgical technique for pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. World J Gastroenterol 12: 2209-2216, 2006.
Nakamura Y, Yi SQ, Iimura A, Terayama H, Naito M, Itoh M. Morphological observation of the horseshoe kidney with special reference to the vascular system in 2 Japanese cadavers. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 82: 89-94, 2005.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Nerve supply to the soft palate muscles with special reference to the distribution of the lesser palatine nerve. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 42: 495-500, 2005.
宮木孝昌,易 双勤,小川夕輝,伊藤正裕.アシカ,アザラシ,カンガルーの肝臓の門脈分布と肝静脈分布.形態科学 8 : 93-99, 2005.
太田哲生, 田島秀浩, 易双勤, 三輪晃一.【フサンの多彩な薬理作用を探る】 癌とプロテアーゼインヒビター プロテアーゼインヒビターのトリプシン/PAR2制御による癌の増殖・転移抑制. 医薬の門 45: 9-15, 2005.
Yi SQ, Ohta T, Miwa K, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Itoh M, Miyamoto K, Tanaka S. Surgical anatomy of the innervation of the major duodenal papilla in human and Suncus murinus, from the perspective of preserving innervation in organ-saving procedures. Pancreas 30: 211-217, 2005.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Tanaka A, Izumi A, Ru F, Akita K, Tanaka S. Contributions of the hypoglossal nerve to the innervations of the recti capiti lateralis and anterior. Clin Anat 17: 613-617, 2004.
Ohta T, Elnemr A, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Takamura H, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Fas ligand expression in human pancreatic cancer. Oncol Rep 12: 749-754, 2004.
Yoshizumi T, Ohta T, Ninomiya I, Terada I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Thiazolidinedione, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, inhibits growth and metastasis of HT-29 human colon cancer cells through differentiation-promoting effects. Int J Oncol 25: 631-639, 2004.
Yi SQ, Tanaka S, Tanaka A, Shimokawa T, Ru F, Nakatani T. An extremely rare inversion of the preduodenal portal vein and common bile duct associated with multiple malformations: Report of an adult cadaver case with a brief review of the literature. Anat Embryol 208: 87-96, 2004.
Yi SQ, Akita K, Ohto T, Shimokawa T, Tanaka A, Ru F, Nakatani T, Isomura G, Tanaka S. Cellular localization of endocrine cells in the adult pancreas of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus: a comparative immunohistochemical study. Gen Comp Endocrinol 136: 162-170, 2004.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Izumi A, Ru F, Akita K, Sato T, Tanaka S. An anatomical study of the levator veli palatini and superior constrictor with special reference to their nerve supply. Surg Radiol Anat 26: 100-105, 2004.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Penetration of muscles by branches of the mandibular nerve: A possible cause of neuropathy. Clin Anat 17: 2-5, 2004.
太田哲生、三輪晃一、北川裕久、萱原正都、高村博之、藤村 隆、西村元一、清水康一、能登正浩、易 双勤、田中重徳。膵頭部癌に対する門脈合併切除および膵頭神経叢完全切除を伴う幽門輪温存膵頭十二指腸切除術。消化器外科 26: 1733-1739, 2003.
Yi SQ, Miwa K, Ohta T, Kayahara M, Kitagawa H, Tanaka A, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Tanaka S. Innervation of the pancreas from the perspective perineural invasion of pancreatic cancer. Pancreas 27: 225-229, 2003.
Ohta T, Amaya K, Yi SQ, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Miwa K. Angiotensin converting enzyme-independent, local angiotensin II-generation in human pancreatic ductal cancer tissues. Int J Oncol 23: 593-598, 2003.
Ohta T, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Takamura H, Amaya K, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Miwa K. Protease-activated receptor-2 expression and the role of trypsin in cell proliferation in human pancreatic cancers. Int J Oncol 23: 61-66, 2003.
Yi SQ, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Ohta T, Kayahara M, Miwa K, Tanaka S. Anatomical study of the pancreas in the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus, with special reference to the blood supply and innervation. Anat Rec 273: 630-635, 2003.
Ohta T, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Kinami S, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Sentinel lymph node navigation surgery for pancreatic head cancers. Oncol Rep 10: 315-319, 2003.
Ohta T, Yi SQ, Amaya K, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Miwa K. Intrinsic angiotensin II-generating system in human pancreatic cancer tissues. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Jpn J Cancer Chemother) 29: 2325-2328, 2002.
太田哲生、清水康一、天谷公司、易 双勤、三輪晃一. 急性膵炎におけるトリプシンとPAR-2の役割について――特に、炎症の進展による膵内血流動態の変化――. Surgery Frontier 9: 101-107, 2002.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Positional relationships between the masticatory muscles and their innervation nerves with special reference to the masseter and Zygomaticomandibularis in Suncus murinus. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 79: 1-10, 2002.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Comparative anatomical study of the M. retractor bulbi with special reference to the nerve innervations in rabbits and dogs. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 78: 235-243, 2002.
太田哲生、田島秀浩、易 双勤、北川裕久、萱原正都、三輪晃一.膵癌の増殖・転移とセリンプロテアーゼ(トリプシン)の関わり.Surgery Frontier 9: 92-97, 2002.
Ohta T, Elnemr A, Yamamoto M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Nishimura G, Fujimura T, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Thiazolidinedione, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, modulates the E-cadherin/beta-catenin system in a human pancreatic cancer cell line, BxPC-3. Int J Oncol 21: 37-42, 2002.
易 双勤.膵臓と大十二指腸乳頭の神経分布.金沢大学十全医学会雑誌110: 41-51, 2001.
太田哲生、Ayman Elnemr,易 双勤、尾山勝信、萱原正都、北川裕久、二宮 致、伏田幸夫、藤村 隆、西村元一、清水康一、三輪晃一.膵癌における免疫回避のためのFAS-ligandの発現について.日本外科系連合学会誌 25: 846-850, 2000.
Nishijima K, Ohta T, Elnemr A, Yi SQ, Ninomiya I, Kitagawa H, Fushida S, Nishimura G, Fujimura T, Kayahara M, Shimizu K, Miwa K. An effective case of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy based on biochemical modulation for hepatic recurrence of non-functioning islet cell carcinoma of the pancreas. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 27: 1926-1930, 2000.
北川裕久、三輪晃一、太田哲生、萱原正都、易 双勤、清水康一.膵頭十二指腸切除時の再建術式―2層連続縫合による膵空腸端側吻合術―. 手術 54: 1593-1596, 2000.
永川宅和、萱原正都、太田哲生、北川裕久、易 双勤.膵頭部領域に対する手術:PD vs PpPD.外科 62: 914-923, 2000.
易 勤、竹内京子:消化管の組織構造.スンクスの生物学.P116〜124.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:肝臓と膵臓の組織構造.スンクスの生物学.P132〜136.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:消化器系の自律神経.スンクスの生物学.P200〜203.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤:膵臓の内分泌部.スンクスの生物学.P211〜213.学会出版センター.2011
中村恒夫、易 勤、尾﨑紀之:スンクスの直腸脱出の習性.スンクスの生物学.P307〜309.学会出版センター.2011
易 勤: 第Ⅵ部 上肢. Essential 解剖学テキスト&アトラス, 中野隆監訳,南江堂,pp233-300, 2015.
易 勤:第Ⅵ部 上肢. プロメテウス解剖学 エッセンシャル テキスト, 中野隆監訳,医学書院,pp257-324, 2019.
Dai Y, Ren K, Terayama H, Miwa Y, Sato I, Yi SQ. The distribution of nerves supplying of the testis, epididymis and accessory sex glands of Suncus murinus. Anat Sci Int. 2019 Jan;94(1):128-135. doi: 10.1007/s12565-018-0459-5. Epub 2018 Sep 11.
木田雅彦、藤原基、Ke Ren、易 勤。胎仔ブタの胸鎖乳突筋と僧帽筋について ―胸鎖乳突筋僧帽筋複合体は外斜筋系である―.形態科学 21(2):83-88,2018
Ren K, Yi K, Dai Y, Fujiwara M, Ohta T, Terayama H, Sakabe K, Yi SQ. Inhibitory effects of valproic acid in oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy in rat model. J Gastroenterol Hepatol Res 2017; 6(6): 2461-2469. Available from: URL: http://www.ghrnet.org/index.php/joghr/article/view/2157
Ren K, Dai Y, Yi K, Kinoshita M, Itoh M, Sakata I, Skai T, Yi SQ. Using a Whole-mount immunohistochemical method to study the innervation of the biliary tract in Suncus murinus. J Vis Exp (), e55483, doi:10.3791/55483 (2017).
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Tanaka O, Kanazawa T, Suyama K, Kosemura N, Tetsu S, Yamazaki H, Sakamoto R, Kawakami S, Suzuki T, Sakabe K. Common and separate origins of the left and right inferior phrenic artery with a review of the literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2017 Mar 10. doi: 10.5603/FM.a2017.0025. [Epub ahead of print]
岸和田昌之,易 勤,伊佐地秀司。膵癌取扱い規約第7版の解説と主な変更点:外科の立場から。膵臓 31 (6): 791-798, 2016
永川 裕一,易 勤,細川勇一,佐原八束,瀧下智恵,土田明彦。膵頭部癌手術に必要な外科解剖。消化器外科39 (7): 1059-1070, 2016
易 勤、佐藤 厳、三輪 容子、Ren K、Dai YD、木下 正信、永川 裕一、土田 明彦. 膵頭神経叢の分布形態の再検討. 胆膵の病態生理32: 1-4, 2016.
Ren K, Kinoshita M, Dai Y, Wang H, Yi K, Itoh M, Yi SQ. A new model for localized pancreatitis, ventral pancreatic duct ligation in the adult house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Academia J Biotechnol 2016; 4(2): 055-061, DOI: 10.15413/ajb.2015.0242、ISSN 2315-7747. c2016 Academia Publishing)
Yi SQ, Ren K, Kinoshita M, Takano N, Itoh M, Ozaki N. Innervation of extrahepatic biliary tract, with special reference to the direct bidirectional neural connections of the gallbladder, sphincter of Oddi and duodenum in Suncus murinus, in whole-mount immunohistochemical study. Anat Histol Embryol. 2016 Jun; 45(3):184-8. doi: 10.1111/ahe.12186. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Shoji S, Tanaka O, Kanazawa T, Kosemura N, Tamura M, Sekiguchi M, Naito M, Akamatsu T, Sakabe K. Anomalous connection of the left posterior renal vein with the left ascending lumbar vein in a Japanese cadaver. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2015;74(4):544-7. doi: 10.5603/FM.2015.0121.
永川裕一,細川勇一,佐原八束,瀧下智恵,中島哲史,土方陽介,笠原健大,粕谷和彦,易 勤,土田明彦。適切な神経叢郭清を併施する膵頭部癌根治術。消化器外科38 (1): 15-24, 2015
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Hirai S, Qu N, Naito M, Hatayama N, Kawata S, Itoh M.Gross anatomical study of bilateral megaureters associated with renal pelvis dilatation and a giant urinary bladder: an adult cadaver with a brief review of the literature. Anat Sci Int. 88: 171-174, 2013.
Yi SQ, Ueno Y, Naito M, Ozaki N, Itoh M. The three most common variations of the left renal vein. A review and meta-analysis. Surg Radiol Anat 34: 799-804, 2012.
易 勤,太田哲生,尾﨑紀之。【肝胆膵の外科解剖】 膵頭部の神経解剖. 胆と膵 Vol.32 臨時増刊特大号1157-1162,2011.
易 勤,太田哲生,尾﨑紀之。【肝胆膵の外科解剖】 胆嚢の神経支配.胆と膵 Vol.32 臨時増刊特大号1129-1134,2011.
Hayashi K, Ozaki N, Kawakita K, Itoh K, Mizumura K, Furukawa K, Yasui M, Hori K, Yi SQ, Yamaguchi T, Sugiura Y. Involvement of NGF in the rat model of persistent muscle pain associated with taut band. J Pain 12: 1059-1068, 2011.
Yi SQ, Li J, Yamaguchi T, Hori K, Hayashi K, Itoh M, Ozaki N. Immunolocalization of the PP family and its receptors in the gastrointestinal tract of house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 32: 212-219, 2011.
Naito M, Hirai S, Terayama H, Qu N, Yi SQ, Miyaki T, Itoh M. Multiple renal vessels associated with testicular vessels. Surg Radiol Anat. 33: 637-639, 2011.
Naito M, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Hirai S, Qu N, Itoh M. A left testicular artery arising from a middle mesenteric artery. Clin Anat. 24: 266-267, 2011.
Li J, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Yi N, Ogawa Y, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Immunolocalization of ghrelin in the stomach of Sprague-Dawley rat. Anat Histol Embryol 40: 95-99, 2011.
Kurihara M, Qu N, Baik Hwan CHO, Kitaoka M, Ogawa Y, Yi SQ, Moriyama H, Hannno S, Murakami G, Itoh M. Histological development of human testicular cords from 70 to 90 days of gestation. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 87: 103-108, 2010.
寺山隼人、内藤宗和、平井宗一、曲 寧、小川夕輝、中村陽市、高篠智、易 勤、森山浩志、宮木孝昌、伊藤正裕.少人数で進める能動的体験医学としての基礎医学実習の維持.―基礎系教育時間短縮化の時代の中で―.形態科学 13: 47-53, 2010.
Iimura A, Oguchi T, Yamazaki Y, Matsuo M, Yi SQ, Itoh M, Takahashi T. Anomalous bifurcation and island formation of the carotid artery. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 86: 121-128, 2010.
Wang HX, Yi SQ, Li J, Terayama H, Naito H, Hirai S, Qu N, Yi N, Itoh M. Effects of splenectomy on spontaneously chronic pancreatitis in aly/aly mice. Clin Dev Immunol 2010. 2010:614890. Epub 2010 Mar 30.
Yi SQ, Itoh M. A unique variation of the pudendal nerve. Clin Anat 23: 907-908, 2010.
Li J, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Qu N, Wang HX, Yi N, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Distribution of ghrelin cells in stomach and the effect of ghrelin intraperitoneal administration in house musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Neuroendocrinol Lett 31: 406-412, 2010.
Yi N, Yi SQ, Wang HX, Ogawa Y, Ohta T, Ozaki N, Itoh M. Anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery running between the dorsal and ventral pancreas: morphological and embryological viewpoint. Open Anat J 2: 91-97, 2010.
易 勤.上腹部消化器官の自律神経支配―臨床解剖の視点からの解析―.十全医学会雑誌 119: 2-6, 2010.
Yi SQ, Li J, Qu N, Wang HX, Itoh M, Yamaguchi T, Oda S, Ozaki N. House musk shrew, Suncus murinus: a novel and natural obesity-resistant animal model. Obes Metab 6: 22-28, 2010.
Yamaguchi T, Yi SQ, Tanaka S, Ono K, Shimada T. Ultrastructure and cytoarchitecture of Bachmann’s bundle in the mammalian heart. J Arrhythmia 25: 24-31, 2009.
Terayama H, Yi SQ, Naito M, Qu N, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Iimura A, Moriyama H, Steinke H, Itoh M. Right gonadal arteries passing dorsally to the inferior vena cava: embryological hypotheses. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 657-661, 2008.
Tokunaga Y, Terayama H, Naito M, Qu N, Hirai S, Ogawa Y, Yi SQ, Itoh M. Splenic cytokines in mice immunized with testicular germ cells. Int J Androl 31: 471-476, 2008.
易 勤,宮木孝昌,伊藤正裕,田中重徳. 全内臓逆位およびその合併奇形 ――Cadaverの自験例と臨床からの報告. 形態科学 11: 93-99, 2008.
易 勤、三輪晃一、萱原正都、北川裕久、太田哲生、田中重徳.Vater乳頭の神経支配――器官温存における神経機能の保存の視点から.胆膵の生理機能 24: 11-14, 2008.
易 勤、三輪晃一、萱原正都、北川裕久、太田哲生、田中重徳.胆嚢の神経支配――胃切除術後胆石症との関連.胆膵の生理機能 24: 49-53, 2008.
Qu N, Terayama H, Naito M, Ogawa Y, Hirai S, Kitaoka M, Yi SQ, Itoh M. Caput epididymitis but not orchitis was induced by vasectomy in a murine model of experimental autoimmune orchitis. Reproduction 135: 859-866, 2008.
Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hirai S, Alimujang S, Yi N, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Absence of the celiac trunk: case report and review of the literature. Clin Anat 21: 283-286, 2008.
Buhe S, Miyaki T, Saito T, Sawuti A, Terayama H, Naito M, Yi SQ, Itoh M. A study of the accessory hepatic vein to segments VI and VII with a morphological reconsideration of the human liver. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 201-207, 2008.
Yi SQ, Li J, Terayama H, Naito M, Iimura A, Itoh M. A rare case of inferior mesenteric artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery, with a review of the review of the literature. Surg Radiol Anat 30: 159-165, 2008.
Nakamura Y, Qu N, Terayama H, Naito M, Yi SQ, Moriyama H, Itoh M. Structure of Thymic Cysts in Congenital Lymph Nodes-lacking Mice. Anat Histol Embryol 37: 126-130, 2008.
Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Hayashi S, Moriyama H, Tsuchida A, Itoh M. A common celiacomesenteric trunk, and a brief review of the literature. Ann Anat 189: 482-488, 2007.
Nakamura Y, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Li J, Moriyama H, Tsuchida A, Itoh M. Sequential Histopathology of Pancreatic Tissues in aly/aly Mice. Cells Tissues Organs 186: 204-209, 2007.
Guo CT, Takahashi N, Yagi H, Kato K, Takahashi T, Yi SQ, Chen Y, Ito T, Otsuki K, Kida H, Kawaoka Y, Hidari KI, Miyamoto D, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y. The quail and chicken intestine have sialyl-Gal sugar chains responsible for the binding of influenza A viruses to human type receptors. Glycobiology 17: 713-724, 2007.
Tanaka A, Tanaka S, Miyamoto K, Yi SQ, Nakatani T. Gross anatomical study of the sympathetic cardiac nerves in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Anat Rec 290:468-476, 2007.
Yi SQ, Ohta T, Tsuchida A, Terayama H, Naito M, Li J, Wang HX, Yi N, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Surgical anatomy of innervation of the gallbladder in humans and Suncus murinus with special reference to morphological understanding of gallstone formation after gastrectomy. World J Gastroenterol 13: 2066-2071, 2007.
Miura Y, Naito M, Ablake M, Terayama H, Yi SQ, Qu N, Cheng LX, Suna S, Jitsunari F, Itoh M. Short term effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on testes, liver, kidneys and pancreas in mice. Asian J Androl 9: 199-205, 2007.
Iimura A, Yi SQ, Terayama H, Naito M, Buhe S, Oguchi T, Takahashi T, Miyaki T, Itoh M. Complete ureteral duplication associated with megaureter and ureteropelvic junction dilatation: report on an adult cadaver case with a brief review of the literature. Ann Anat 188: 371-375, 2006.
Hayashi S, Yi SQ, Miyaki T, Nakamura Y, Terayama H, Naito M, Itoh M. A case of spontaneous splenorenal shunt associated with splenic artery aneurysm. Surg Radiol Anat 28: 311-315, 2006.
Yi SQ, Ru F, Ohta T, Terayama H, Naito M, Hayashi S, Buhe S, Yi N, Miyaki T, Tanaka S, Itoh M. Surgical anatomy of the innervation of pylorus in human and Suncus murinus, in relation to surgical technique for pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. World J Gastroenterol 12: 2209-2216, 2006.
Nakamura Y, Yi SQ, Iimura A, Terayama H, Naito M, Itoh M. Morphological observation of the horseshoe kidney with special reference to the vascular system in 2 Japanese cadavers. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 82: 89-94, 2005.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Nerve supply to the soft palate muscles with special reference to the distribution of the lesser palatine nerve. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 42: 495-500, 2005.
宮木孝昌,易 双勤,小川夕輝,伊藤正裕.アシカ,アザラシ,カンガルーの肝臓の門脈分布と肝静脈分布.形態科学 8 : 93-99, 2005.
太田哲生, 田島秀浩, 易双勤, 三輪晃一.【フサンの多彩な薬理作用を探る】 癌とプロテアーゼインヒビター プロテアーゼインヒビターのトリプシン/PAR2制御による癌の増殖・転移抑制. 医薬の門 45: 9-15, 2005.
Yi SQ, Ohta T, Miwa K, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Itoh M, Miyamoto K, Tanaka S. Surgical anatomy of the innervation of the major duodenal papilla in human and Suncus murinus, from the perspective of preserving innervation in organ-saving procedures. Pancreas 30: 211-217, 2005.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Tanaka A, Izumi A, Ru F, Akita K, Tanaka S. Contributions of the hypoglossal nerve to the innervations of the recti capiti lateralis and anterior. Clin Anat 17: 613-617, 2004.
Ohta T, Elnemr A, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Takamura H, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Fas ligand expression in human pancreatic cancer. Oncol Rep 12: 749-754, 2004.
Yoshizumi T, Ohta T, Ninomiya I, Terada I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Thiazolidinedione, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, inhibits growth and metastasis of HT-29 human colon cancer cells through differentiation-promoting effects. Int J Oncol 25: 631-639, 2004.
Yi SQ, Tanaka S, Tanaka A, Shimokawa T, Ru F, Nakatani T. An extremely rare inversion of the preduodenal portal vein and common bile duct associated with multiple malformations: Report of an adult cadaver case with a brief review of the literature. Anat Embryol 208: 87-96, 2004.
Yi SQ, Akita K, Ohto T, Shimokawa T, Tanaka A, Ru F, Nakatani T, Isomura G, Tanaka S. Cellular localization of endocrine cells in the adult pancreas of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus: a comparative immunohistochemical study. Gen Comp Endocrinol 136: 162-170, 2004.
Shimokawa T, Yi SQ, Izumi A, Ru F, Akita K, Sato T, Tanaka S. An anatomical study of the levator veli palatini and superior constrictor with special reference to their nerve supply. Surg Radiol Anat 26: 100-105, 2004.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Penetration of muscles by branches of the mandibular nerve: A possible cause of neuropathy. Clin Anat 17: 2-5, 2004.
太田哲生、三輪晃一、北川裕久、萱原正都、高村博之、藤村 隆、西村元一、清水康一、能登正浩、易 双勤、田中重徳。膵頭部癌に対する門脈合併切除および膵頭神経叢完全切除を伴う幽門輪温存膵頭十二指腸切除術。消化器外科 26: 1733-1739, 2003.
Yi SQ, Miwa K, Ohta T, Kayahara M, Kitagawa H, Tanaka A, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Tanaka S. Innervation of the pancreas from the perspective perineural invasion of pancreatic cancer. Pancreas 27: 225-229, 2003.
Ohta T, Amaya K, Yi SQ, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Miwa K. Angiotensin converting enzyme-independent, local angiotensin II-generation in human pancreatic ductal cancer tissues. Int J Oncol 23: 593-598, 2003.
Ohta T, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Takamura H, Amaya K, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Miwa K. Protease-activated receptor-2 expression and the role of trypsin in cell proliferation in human pancreatic cancers. Int J Oncol 23: 61-66, 2003.
Yi SQ, Shimokawa T, Akita K, Ohta T, Kayahara M, Miwa K, Tanaka S. Anatomical study of the pancreas in the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus, with special reference to the blood supply and innervation. Anat Rec 273: 630-635, 2003.
Ohta T, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Kinami S, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Sentinel lymph node navigation surgery for pancreatic head cancers. Oncol Rep 10: 315-319, 2003.
Ohta T, Yi SQ, Amaya K, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Fujimura T, Nishimura G, Shimizu K, Miwa K. Intrinsic angiotensin II-generating system in human pancreatic cancer tissues. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Jpn J Cancer Chemother) 29: 2325-2328, 2002.
太田哲生、清水康一、天谷公司、易 双勤、三輪晃一. 急性膵炎におけるトリプシンとPAR-2の役割について――特に、炎症の進展による膵内血流動態の変化――. Surgery Frontier 9: 101-107, 2002.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Positional relationships between the masticatory muscles and their innervation nerves with special reference to the masseter and Zygomaticomandibularis in Suncus murinus. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 79: 1-10, 2002.
Shimokawa T, Akita K, Sato T, Ru F, Yi SQ, Tanaka S. Comparative anatomical study of the M. retractor bulbi with special reference to the nerve innervations in rabbits and dogs. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 78: 235-243, 2002.
太田哲生、田島秀浩、易 双勤、北川裕久、萱原正都、三輪晃一.膵癌の増殖・転移とセリンプロテアーゼ(トリプシン)の関わり.Surgery Frontier 9: 92-97, 2002.
Ohta T, Elnemr A, Yamamoto M, Ninomiya I, Fushida S, Nishimura G, Fujimura T, Kitagawa H, Kayahara M, Shimizu K, Yi SQ, Miwa K. Thiazolidinedione, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, modulates the E-cadherin/beta-catenin system in a human pancreatic cancer cell line, BxPC-3. Int J Oncol 21: 37-42, 2002.
易 双勤.膵臓と大十二指腸乳頭の神経分布.金沢大学十全医学会雑誌110: 41-51, 2001.
太田哲生、Ayman Elnemr,易 双勤、尾山勝信、萱原正都、北川裕久、二宮 致、伏田幸夫、藤村 隆、西村元一、清水康一、三輪晃一.膵癌における免疫回避のためのFAS-ligandの発現について.日本外科系連合学会誌 25: 846-850, 2000.
Nishijima K, Ohta T, Elnemr A, Yi SQ, Ninomiya I, Kitagawa H, Fushida S, Nishimura G, Fujimura T, Kayahara M, Shimizu K, Miwa K. An effective case of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy based on biochemical modulation for hepatic recurrence of non-functioning islet cell carcinoma of the pancreas. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 27: 1926-1930, 2000.
北川裕久、三輪晃一、太田哲生、萱原正都、易 双勤、清水康一.膵頭十二指腸切除時の再建術式―2層連続縫合による膵空腸端側吻合術―. 手術 54: 1593-1596, 2000.
永川宅和、萱原正都、太田哲生、北川裕久、易 双勤.膵頭部領域に対する手術:PD vs PpPD.外科 62: 914-923, 2000.
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