OH Chuhyang
呉 珠響 オウ チュヒャン おう ちゅひゃん
4.呉珠響,斉藤恵美子.(2017).無年金または低年金の定住コリアン高齢者が経験した 健康に関連する生活上の困難さ.日本看護科学学会誌,37,105-113.
5.伊澤貴美子,呉珠響,斉藤恵美子.(2015).脂肪肝有所見男性と非有所見男性の比較―職域の定期健康診断の結果から―.日本公衆衛生看護学会誌,4(2), 112-120.
6.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. Comparison of eating habits in obese and non-obese Filipinas living in an urban area of Japan. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Springer, 17(2), 467-73.
9.丹羽俊子, 呉珠響, 斉藤恵美子.(2011).情報サービス産業で働く日本人システムエンジニアの蓄積疲労と労働環境の関連.厚生の指標, 58 (6), 14-20.
1. Chu Hyang Oh. (2023). Scoping review of intersectional factors related to accessibility for older ethnic minorities. 2023 International
Nursing Conference. Abstract Book, 456.
2.Chu-Hyang Oh. (2023). Accessing healthcare: a scoping review of experiences of women of the diaspora background from Korea. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine.
3.Saito, E., Kanzaki, Y., Oh, C. (2023). Effects of COVID-19 on the services provided by nurses at community general support centers assisting older adults in Japan. 14th International Nursing Conference. Abstract Book, 498.
4.Emiko Saito, Yuki Kanzaki, Chu Hyang Oh. (2022). Ethical issues in community-based care for elderly people and their families: A literature review. 10th Annual Conference of Academy of Public Health Nursing and the 6th International Conference of Global Network of Public Health Nursing. P312
5.Chu-Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2021). Association between ethnicity and physical/mental health status among Asian older adults in Japan. 16th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. 28(Suppl 1), S131.
6.Chu-Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2019). Factors associated with sense of subjective health among different ethnic groups of Japanese older-aged. The 22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding.
8.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2018). The Association between ethnics and physical & mental health status among community-dwelling ethnic minority elders in Japan. The 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars.
9. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2016). Difficulties encountered in daily life among low-income elderly Korean residents in Japan. 2016 International congress of behavioral medicine.
11.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2015). Access barriers to health care services for ethnocultural minorities: A literature review. The 6th international conference on community health nursing research: 69.
12. Chuhyang Oh, Misaki Matsuda, Emiko Saito. (2015). Factors associated with the resumption of social activities in elderly people after an earthquake disaster. The 18th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars.
13. Chu Hyang OH. (2014). To conduct a review of published studies investigating the association of elderly Korean immigrant and using health services. The 17th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding: 410.
14. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2013). A case study of acculturation and eating habits of Filipinos living in an urban area in Japan. The 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding.
15. M. Otomo, Y. Kanzaki, C. Yano, H. Szuki, Y. Itakura, C. H. Oh, E. Saito. (2013). Characteristics of and challenges faced in interdisciplinary collaborative interventions to prevent child abuse: a literature review. The 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding: 377.
16. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2012). The acculturation level and the use of health services among registered elderly Koreans living in an urban area of Japan. International journal of behavioral medicine (abstract from the ICBM 2012 meeting), 19・1・2.
17. Kanzaki, Y., Oh, C. H., Otomo, M., & Saito, E. (2012). Review of comprehensive health care for elderly people in Japan and other countries. 15th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) proceeding, 26.
18. 猫田泰敏,斉藤恵美子,村田加奈子,呉珠響,吉田享.(2011).保健師課程における疫学および保健統計学の教育目標の提案.第70回日本公衆衛生学会抄録集,70・434.
19.Chu Hyang Oh. (2011). Acculturation and Asian Immigrant Health: A Review of The Literature. 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Forum proceedings, 278.
20. Niwa, T., Oh, C. H., Saito, E. (2010). Association between the level of fatigue accumulation and the working conditions in Japanese system engineers of information services. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine the Official Journal of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine-, 17・194.
21. Chu Hyang Oh. (2009). Living situation and lifestyle of Filipinos residing in Japan. The first Asia-pacific conference on health promotion and education book of abstracts, 552.
22. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito, Kayoko Kawahara. (2009). The diet habits among Filipinas residing in Japan. The 4th International Conference on Community Health nursing Research conference handbook, 216.
23. 呉珠響,斉藤恵美子,河原加代子.(2008).日本におけるフィリピン女性の肥満と食習慣の関連について.第67回日本公衆衛生学会総会.
4.呉珠響,斉藤恵美子.(2017).無年金または低年金の定住コリアン高齢者が経験した 健康に関連する生活上の困難さ.日本看護科学学会誌,37,105-113.
5.伊澤貴美子,呉珠響,斉藤恵美子.(2015).脂肪肝有所見男性と非有所見男性の比較―職域の定期健康診断の結果から―.日本公衆衛生看護学会誌,4(2), 112-120.
6.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. Comparison of eating habits in obese and non-obese Filipinas living in an urban area of Japan. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Springer, 17(2), 467-73.
9.丹羽俊子, 呉珠響, 斉藤恵美子.(2011).情報サービス産業で働く日本人システムエンジニアの蓄積疲労と労働環境の関連.厚生の指標, 58 (6), 14-20.
1. Chu Hyang Oh. (2023). Scoping review of intersectional factors related to accessibility for older ethnic minorities. 2023 International
Nursing Conference. Abstract Book, 456.
2.Chu-Hyang Oh. (2023). Accessing healthcare: a scoping review of experiences of women of the diaspora background from Korea. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine.
3.Saito, E., Kanzaki, Y., Oh, C. (2023). Effects of COVID-19 on the services provided by nurses at community general support centers assisting older adults in Japan. 14th International Nursing Conference. Abstract Book, 498.
4.Emiko Saito, Yuki Kanzaki, Chu Hyang Oh. (2022). Ethical issues in community-based care for elderly people and their families: A literature review. 10th Annual Conference of Academy of Public Health Nursing and the 6th International Conference of Global Network of Public Health Nursing. P312
5.Chu-Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2021). Association between ethnicity and physical/mental health status among Asian older adults in Japan. 16th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. 28(Suppl 1), S131.
6.Chu-Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2019). Factors associated with sense of subjective health among different ethnic groups of Japanese older-aged. The 22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding.
8.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2018). The Association between ethnics and physical & mental health status among community-dwelling ethnic minority elders in Japan. The 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars.
9. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2016). Difficulties encountered in daily life among low-income elderly Korean residents in Japan. 2016 International congress of behavioral medicine.
11.Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2015). Access barriers to health care services for ethnocultural minorities: A literature review. The 6th international conference on community health nursing research: 69.
12. Chuhyang Oh, Misaki Matsuda, Emiko Saito. (2015). Factors associated with the resumption of social activities in elderly people after an earthquake disaster. The 18th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars.
13. Chu Hyang OH. (2014). To conduct a review of published studies investigating the association of elderly Korean immigrant and using health services. The 17th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding: 410.
14. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2013). A case study of acculturation and eating habits of Filipinos living in an urban area in Japan. The 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding.
15. M. Otomo, Y. Kanzaki, C. Yano, H. Szuki, Y. Itakura, C. H. Oh, E. Saito. (2013). Characteristics of and challenges faced in interdisciplinary collaborative interventions to prevent child abuse: a literature review. The 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars proceeding: 377.
16. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito. (2012). The acculturation level and the use of health services among registered elderly Koreans living in an urban area of Japan. International journal of behavioral medicine (abstract from the ICBM 2012 meeting), 19・1・2.
17. Kanzaki, Y., Oh, C. H., Otomo, M., & Saito, E. (2012). Review of comprehensive health care for elderly people in Japan and other countries. 15th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) proceeding, 26.
18. 猫田泰敏,斉藤恵美子,村田加奈子,呉珠響,吉田享.(2011).保健師課程における疫学および保健統計学の教育目標の提案.第70回日本公衆衛生学会抄録集,70・434.
19.Chu Hyang Oh. (2011). Acculturation and Asian Immigrant Health: A Review of The Literature. 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Forum proceedings, 278.
20. Niwa, T., Oh, C. H., Saito, E. (2010). Association between the level of fatigue accumulation and the working conditions in Japanese system engineers of information services. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine the Official Journal of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine-, 17・194.
21. Chu Hyang Oh. (2009). Living situation and lifestyle of Filipinos residing in Japan. The first Asia-pacific conference on health promotion and education book of abstracts, 552.
22. Chu Hyang Oh, Emiko Saito, Kayoko Kawahara. (2009). The diet habits among Filipinas residing in Japan. The 4th International Conference on Community Health nursing Research conference handbook, 216.
23. 呉珠響,斉藤恵美子,河原加代子.(2008).日本におけるフィリピン女性の肥満と食習慣の関連について.第67回日本公衆衛生学会総会.
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