List of Research Projects “Comprehend economics and management in the digital age” “Contemplate the future of modern global society through the ancient Greek philosophical concept of "mixture"” “Three laboratories collaborate to develop robots for use in medical care, welfare, and disasters” “Central banks’ function as the lenders of last resort and the moral hazard of financial institutions” “Predicted spread based on the basic ecology of invasive alien species” “Developing high-efficiency molecular catalysts to achieve precision organic synthesis Leveraging the characteristics of catalysts to create new high-performance materials” “New mechanism of virus immunity controlled by the proteolysis system” “The Asia-Pacific region with a focus on the ocean” “Examine the functions and efficiency of systems in light of participant behavior incentives” “Realtime, in vivo confirmation of radiation dose in patients undergoing radiotherapy” “An approach to reduction of quality-of-life (QOL) due to locomotor system diseases and injuries: From the perspective of cells and organs” “The challenge of long-term care prevention based on D&I (diversity & inclusion) in occupational therapy” Page top