Industry-Academia Collaboration

Organization for Research Promotion

The Organization for Research Promotion consists of the Research Strategy Planning Office, which drafts research strategies, and the Research Administration Office, which provides research support. It was established with the purposes of further vitalizing research activities at the TMU and raising the presence of the TMU as a research university both in Japan and internationally.

The Research Strategy Planning Office consists of three divisions: academic research, industry-university collaborative research and collaborative research with the Tokyo metropolitan government. It drafts research strategies aimed at responding speedily to various environmental changes both on and off campus.
The Research Administration Office promotes integrated and comprehensive research support activities, from the acquisition of research grants to industry-university collaboration.


Liaison Office

Project Research Building

Tokyo Metropolitan University has established the Liaison Office to contribute to society through industrial-academic-public cooperation and create new industries and employment. The Office makes the University’s research work available in many spheres of society and cooperates with business and public research organizations in developing creative technologies and products.

At the University, the Liaison Office takes the initiative in commitments to make the University’s research work available in many spheres of society.

Click here to go to the website of the Liaison Office (Japanese site)

Major commitments by Liaison Office

Facilitation of collaborative and commissioned research

The Office creates a database of research conducted by the University’s faculty members (seeds) and identifies demand from companies (needs) with the aim of matching them. It also has a network with testing organizations, other universities, and the corporate sector.

Technical advice

The Office utilizes the University’s resources and its unique network in offering advice on technical issues encountered by many companies. It also recommends faculty members and related organizations (e.g., Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute) when necessary.

Facilitation of exchange among industries, academic circles and public organizations

With technical innovation evolving rapidly, the Office conveys extensive information through seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, and events for the purpose of ensuring that the companies keep pace with the changing times and evolving society.

Exchange of information with related organizations

While deepening cooperation with testing organizations, other universities and other related organizations, the Office engages in a lot of information exchange by, for example, proactively gathering information on companies’ needs. It also makes new proposals to companies.

Public relations

The Office is active in public relations such as participating in events, with the aim of making the University’s research activities widely known. Through its wide range of activities, it creates opportunities to meet many local municipalities and companies.

Management and utilization of intellectual properties

The Office ensures that intellectual properties of the University are effectively and properly managed so that its research can benefit many spheres of society. It also makes proactive efforts to create intellectual property, acquire rights, and utilize them while striving to create new industries.