Graduate School of Science

TMU's Graduate School of Science comprises four departments in the basic scientific fields of Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences. The Graduate School of Science also has three research institutes attached to it: the Research Center for Space Science, the Research Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, and the Research Center for Quantum Material Science and Engineering. The Graduate School of Science implements a unique educational program that aims to use the systematic, comprehensive establishment of the foundations of basic knowledge to strengthen the ability to identify and solve the various problems related to the field of natural science. In particular, the Graduate School of Science strives to provide an interdisciplinary education that emphasizes practical application, seeking to cultivate innovative researchers capable of undertaking research in a wide range of fields, along with high-level experts. Making effective use of the Cooperation Graduate School system, the Graduate School of Science has been able to forge links with researchers at other research institutes within Japan, and to undertake cutting-edge research in collaboration with professors at other graduate schools. The research carried out at TMU's Graduate School of Science is world-class, including not only basic and fundamental research but also research that aims to use the results achieved in this basic and fundamental research to develop new applications. The Graduate School of Science has also implemented many national research projects assisted by the Japanese government.
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Graduate School of Science aims to lead students toward the leading edge of the contemporary mathematical sciences by providing a systematic theoretical grounding in the areas of algebra, geometry, analysis and applied mathematics, and through self-directed study based on the problem-solving approach. With a teaching and research framework that flexibly and organically integrates the four key fields noted above, students are able to accumulate multi-layered mathematical experience and cognitive training.
In this way, the department seeks to cultivate, for the benefit of society, flexible, multi-faceted human talent that includes researchers capable of innovative thinking and educators equipped with a wealth of specialist knowledge. Keeping in mind the fact that mathematics is the foundation for all of the natural sciences, the Department of Mathematical Sciences makes effective use of exchange and collaboration with other graduate school programs at TMU and with external research institutes to contribute toward finding solutions to the problems that affect contemporary society, while also striving to cultivate human talent that possesses the breadth of vision needed to understand discoveries in other fields.
Department of Physics
The aim of physics is to clarify fundamental laws of nature and to apply the knowledge and results to science and engineering. Our department consists of four research groups: 1) theoretical astrophysics and particle physics; 2) theoretical condensed matter physics; 3) experimental astrophysics and particle physics; and 4) experimental condensed matter physics.
These groups cover a broad spectrum of research fields including microscopic elementary particles, condensed matter, and the macroscopic universe. Each group is further divided into subgroups to achieve highly effective research and education. The groups and subgroups carry out intensive research on various subjects in physics, maintaining close cooperation with each other, as well as with other domestic and foreign universities and research institutes.
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry is a discipline that lies at the heart of the natural sciences. The goal of chemistry is to create new substances by transforming molecular structures and to explore the structure, properties, and reactivity of those substances. This goal is what drives the Department of Chemistry. Because the applications of modern chemistry are so broad and diverse, including the development of chemical materials and materials used in electronic devices, as well as other applications in space, the life sciences, and the environment, this department has established three separate research programs: 1) inorganic and analytical chemistries, 2) organic chemistry and biochemistry, and 3) physical chemistry to support a wide range of academic pursuits.
The graduate school cultivates researchers and engineers who are equipped with advanced knowledge in cutting-edge fields of chemistry, grounded in a deep level of expertise, as well as a broader, more comprehensive sense of judgment that goes beyond their field of specialization.
Department of Biological Sciences
The most distinctive feature of TMU’s Department of Biological Sciences is the diversity of research fields and professors. It boasts an impressive lineup of professors who are conducting research in diverse areas across the fields of biology and the life sciences. Professors in this department are conducting research using diverse organisms at all levels ranging from genes and cells (genetics, cytology, physiology, developmental biology) to individuals, species, and ecosystems (ecology, systematics, evolutionary biology), and across the materials spectrum ranging from microorganisms to higher animals and plants.
A diverse base of professors allows graduate students in this department to be able to learn from experts in a diverse range of fields in the life sciences. This also means that no matter what field of study a graduate student is interested in, there will be a professor whose expertise connects with that topic in some way. Likewise, those who have an interest in biology and the life sciences, but are not yet sure about what specific topic they want to study, will be able to find a research topic that suits them.
This department is uniquely committed to encouraging students to learn and act independently, and the curriculum is structured toward that end.