

#Real Voice
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Turkey flag

From Turkey

First-year student, Doctoral Course,
Department of Human Mechatronics Systems,
Faculty of Systems Design,
Graduate School of Systems Design
(Japanese Government Scholarship student)

Q1.Tell us about your specialty.

While mechatronics is an advanced area of study that involves combining mechanical and electrical engineering technology, what I am studying at TMU is how the technology can be utilized in human life.
This area of expertise provides me with the opportunity to concurrently conduct studies in a broad range of areas that require knowledge in metallurgy, biology, and science, in addition to the opportunity to develop systems that can be linked to the studies in many areas, which I think offer great possibilities.
I plan on studying in Japan until I receive my doctoral degree in at least three years.
After graduation, I want to become a researcher in an academic field in Japan.

Q2.Why did you choose Japan’s TMU to study abroad?

In Building No. 1, Minami-Osawa Campus

TMU is ranked among the top universities nationally and globally and is well staffed with eminent professors and researchers. In the field of mechatronics, in particular, Japan is among the highest, and above all, TMU’s Professor Shigeru Aomura is one of the few professors who has made tremendous achievements in the research of biomedical applications, which I wanted to be involved in. Another reason why I decided to study in Japan was that when I visited Japan twice to take part in academic conferences, I was impressed because Japan was such a beautiful country.

Q3.How do you feel about the support system of TMU for international students?

The staff and tutors at the International Center are very kind and always help me with whatever I need. My tutor was supportive and took me by the hand and helped me step by step by taking me to city hall to help with the alien registration and health insurance process while visiting real estate agencies to help me find an apartment. It is such a struggle for me to live in Japan without their help because I cannot understand Japanese at all. I am very appreciative of their generous support that completely exceeded my expectations.

Q4.How do you spend your off-time hours?

Schedule for the day

Basically, as my first priority is to study, I do not have much off-time, but I sometimes go to karaoke and stroll around Tokyo with other international students and Japanese friends. I also participate in parties held by the International Center for interaction between Japanese students and international students.

Q5.How are you taking classes at TMU?

I spend about 15 hours a week in a lab and two hours in a seminar, in addition to four Japanese language courses. Although the seminars are taught in Japanese, they prepare a presentation that is translated into English for me. I go to the Hino Campus to do my experiments, and it requires many hours and patience at times. To attend a Japanese language course on the Minami-Osawa campus, I take a university shuttle bus three times a week to go back and forth between the campuses. Also, I assume responsibility as a professor’s assistant three hours a week.

Q6.A message for international students looking to study at TMU.


Before coming to Japan, I was very anxious because I could not understand Japanese at all and did not know much about Japanese culture. Although it has only been two months since I came to Japan, TMU lends all-out support for me to settle into life in Japan. Also from the aspect of studying, TMU has a professional team of professors and is fully equipped with top-of-the-line facilities and equipment, offering an optimum environment to push forward with research. I believe TMU is a valuable university in which even international students can study with peace of mind.

  • This content is at the time of the interview.