教員紹介参照<参照> |
平成29年度 取組状況 | |
所属 | 理学部 生命科学科 |
職 位 | 准教授 |
氏 名 | Adam Linc Cronin |
取組状況 | |
教 育 | Lecturing in six undergraduate courses (90 lectures), hosted laboratory course in taxomony. Graduate students: Kazutaka Syoji (Masters 2), Masako Yamada (Masters 2), Yuki Matsuo (Masters 1), Diyona Putri (International: Internship). Other education activities: Hosted symposium at Ecological Society Japan meeting in Sapporo, March. |
研 究 | Start-up research funds have contributed toward the following: a visit to Morioka to work on a collaborative educational research program with Simon Townsend, which led to a publication (conference) and conference presentation in Thailand; field work in Hokkaido to collect ants, being used in current experiments by myself and graduate students; a visit to Kyoto to present research findings at the international conference on robotics and collective behaviour (SWARM); a visit to India to attend an international meeting and present research; purchases of laboratory equipment including computers for general and specific modelling use, and cameras and software being employed in behavioural research. |
社会貢献 | Senior editor for Asian Myrmecology. Reviews for Animal Behaivour, Behavioural Ecology, Biology Letters, Entomological Science, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Journal of Insect Behaviour, Proceedinfs of the Royal Society of London B and Behavioural Processes. Organisational management: TMU English program planning panel, TMU English program discussion group |