【重要】2025年度特別選抜 私費外国人留学生入試(生命科学科 大学入学資格試験・統一試験 (日本以外)利用)第1次選抜合格者の発表について

2025 Entrance Examination for International Students(Selection Based on the Nationwide University Entrance Examination Score) Department of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science Announcement of successful applicants from the first stage of selection


Successful applicants from the first stage of selection must check the “Examination Guidelines”.


2025年度特別選抜 私費外国人留学生入試(生命科学科 大学入学資格試験・統一試験(日本以外)利用)
2025 Special Selection (Entrance Examination for International Students) (Selection Based on the Nationwide University Entrance Examination Score) Department of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science


Successful applicants from the first stage of selection(39KB)


Examination Guidelines for the Second Stage of Selection(427KB)